My Japanese Bible...

Apr 28, 2009 21:16

arrived today.

Since I'm trying to learn Japanese, I thought, why not? I know lot of passages in the Bible by heart, so it could be useful.

This bible is so cute. If you can call the Bible cute.... XD

But you know, for example, the edge of the pages is often coloured red for Chinese bibles; Swedish bibles has golden edge, but this one... has a colour and look that reminds you of washi (Japanese paper). And the binder is bendable. ^^

(Genesis, chapter one)

On second thoughts, after I ordered it, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to read the kanjis, but as you can see there are hiragana, so there will be no problem. I can also use my Chinese bible to compare the characters. ^_^

So let's start reading!

purchase, sunday note

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