
Jun 09, 2008 20:06

Strawberry to me symbolizes summer, and yay (!!!), it's summer now!! Makes me happy. XD~
Or it feels like that already.

Listen to this Swedish song about strawberries, it's really cute! <333

Luckily my sister agreed to paint strawberries on my nails. So happy! <3

... the Swedish way.

Here's a bowl with strawberries.

Use your spoon to cut the berries into smaller pieces.

Do not only cut, you'd better try to smash the berries.

Add some sugar.

Add more sugar. Now it's almost like strawberry jam.

Pour some cream into it (the cream shouldn't be whipped).

Mix it.

Well, not enough with cream. Add more!!

Now it looks good. Itadakimasu!


Ah well, my breakfast the same day. XDDDDD~
I have no idea why my entries always turn out to involve food. O.o;

( Go to the next entry about strawberry! )_________________________________________

jordgubbe = strawberry

strawberry, music, food, nail art

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