Title: A Pearl Sapphire Blue Ocean of Tears chapter 6
Author: Jiayousungmin
Pairings: KyuMin, YeHae, MinHyukDong (Shindong in a threesome ftw!!! not a sex threesome, though), SiWook, TeukChul, Kangbum, KyuGeng
Rating: PG13
Genre: angst
Summary: SM is breaking up Super Junior.
Warning: SM being idiots
A/N This is based on rumors that I've been hearing that SuJu won't last another year...-sigh-
“It doesn’t matter if I’m lonely. Whenever I think of you
A smile spreads across my face.
It doesn’t matter if I’m tired. Whenever you are happy
My heart is filled with love.
Today I might live in a harsh world again.
Even if I’m tired, when I close my eyes, I only see your image.
The dreams that are still ringing in my ears
Are leaving my side towards you.
Everyday my life is like a dream.
If we can look at each other and love each other
I’ll stand up again.
To me, the happiness of those precious memories
Will be warmer during hard times.
For me, hope is a dream that never sleeps.
Like a shadow by my side you always
Quietly come to me.
To see if I’m hurt, to see if I’m lonely everyday
With feelings of yearning, you come to me.
Even if the world makes me cry, I’m okay.
Because you are always by my side.
Like dust, will those memories change and leave?
I’ll keep smiling to ease my heart.
Everyday my life is like a dream.
If we can look at each other and love each other
I’ll stand up again.
To me, the happiness of those precious memories
Will be warmer during hard times.
For me, hope is a dream that never sleeps.
No matter how many times I stumble and fall
I’m still standing like this.
I only have one heart.
When I’m tired you become my strength.
My heart is towards you forever.
So I swallowed the hurt and grief.
I’ll only show you my smiling form.
It doesn’t even hurt now.
I’ll always hold on to the dreams I want to fulfill with you
I’ll try to call for you at the place I cannot reach
I love you with all my heart.”
Hankyung would know that voice anywhere. The rich, deep quality of Kyuhyun’s voice that he could spend hours listening to, and never get tired of. But the notes were cracked, as if Kyuhyun was trying to force the words, or trying to make them mean something…ANYTHING different than what they really meant. Hankyung sat outside the locked practice room that Kyuhyun had disappeared into, his back against the door. Kyuhyun, he could almost feel, was on the other side of the door.
“Go away, Hankyung…that’s what you’re good at, isn’t it?”
“Kyuhyun, I won't let you keept hinking you're not good enough, or that you're somehow responsible when things go wrong.”
“Remember when you first joined Super Junior? And the fans hated you? We counted the group, and I promised you that it would always be 13. It was YOU who completed us. You, and your strength held us together.”
“Remember U, Kyuhyun? Remember how much that meant to us? You were so nervous, but in the end, you had nothing to worry about.”
“Remember when I told you, “Don’t be nervous Kyu, I’m sure you can do it without any worries. I totally understand how you feel right now just like the first time I was here with the other 11 of us, and yes, in this kind of condition, you’re even better than me since you’re Korean like them, unlike me so be confident. Cho Kyuhyun fighting!”?” I still have the letter you sent me saying how much that meant to you.”
“Remember when we found out that they were going to make SJM, and you found out you would have to learn Chinese?”
“You panicked. Because the only Chinese you knew was ‘Wo ai ni.’ But then, in China, you learned Chinese faster than any of the others”
“Remember the accident, Kyuhyun? Everyone thought you were going to die, but you…YOU pulled through it. No one else in the group could have done what you did, but you did it. They said you’d never sing again…but you are. They said you’d never dance again, but you do.”
“Kyuhyun, do you have any idea how many people’s lives you make better, just by being who you are…?”
Finally, there was a small click as Kyuhyun unlocked the door. Hankyung stood, and hesitantly stepped in, closing it behind him, and sitting back down next to Kyuhyun who was staring at the floor.
“Kyuhyun…don’t fight the truth, and take the blame on your shoulders. I love you, and I let you down…”
Kyuhyun finally raised his head, his eyes dry, but puffy.
“I…missed you…so much…” He said, raising his hand and tracing the familiar, beloved features of Hankyung’s face. “I…wanted you to come back…I wanted it so badly…but you…you stayed away…and I didn’t know what to do…and then everything was falling apart, and I couldn’t stop any of it. And I have to be strong…cause if I’m not, then everything else goes and I can’t…can’t take it--”
Hankyung pressed his lips against Kyuhyun’s. Kyuhyun froze. At first, his mind rejected this, expecting pain, but then he found himself finally, FINALLY, letting go, and relaxing into the kiss…molding himself into the person he’d loved as long as he’d known him.
“Kyuhyun…I love you. I love you, and I’m so sorry.” Hankyung whispered, holding the maknae close. “Kyuhyun, you don’t have to be strong anymore. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere, and I won’t let them hurt you or the others again. I love you. I’m here. And nothing will ever keep us apart. No matter what, I’m not going anywhere.”
They suddenly heard someone running down the hall, and they peered out, only to be greeted by the words, “THERE’S AN EMERGENCY MEETING IN THE BOARD ROOM FOR ALL GROUP LEADERS. I REPEAT, ALL GROUP LEADERS IN THE BOARD ROOM IMMEDIATELY.” From a manager who looked extremely worried.
Before either of them could say anything, Heechul slipped into the practice room with them.
He smirked, “SM is going down.”