(no subject)

Jan 21, 2012 22:16

Title: A Pearl Sapphire Blue Ocean of Tears chapter 7 (last chapter)
Author: Jiayousungmin
Pairings: KyuMin, YeHae, MinHyukDong (Shindong in a threesome ftw!!! not a sex threesome, though), SiWook, TeukChul, Kangbum, KyuGeng
Rating: PG13
Genre: angst
Summary: SM is breaking up Super Junior.
Warning: SM being idiots
A/N This is based on rumors that I've been hearing that SuJu won't last another year...-sigh-

Leeteuk slipped into the boardroom and sat next to Onew who was sitting, tightlipped, checking his phone every few seconds.

“Something wrong, Jinki-ssi?” He asked.

Onew looked at him, glaring, then realized who it was, his expression dropped, and he sighed. “Yes…Taemin’s in the hospital. They pushed him too hard, and then he got beat up at school. Minho‘s with him, but I…I don‘t want to be here, hyung. I have a bad feeling.”

Leeteuk was about to reply when Lee Soo Man and several of the board members walked in, sitting down at the head of the long table. Soo Man met each of the artists’ eyes before saying, “We have a problem. Someone, and we don’t know who yet, leaked rehearsal footage out to the internet. It’s spread to youtube, and in a matter of hours, it’ll be world-wide.” He paused, then continued. “Do any of you know who would have done this? It was footage that will mean the end of SM if it reaches the wrong hands before we can stop it.”

“Meaning, your managers were beating some of us up!” Everyone’s heads snapped toward Changmin who was standing, shaking in pent up rage. “Who was it this time? Taemin? Krystal? Yuri? Donghae? Don’t you even try to deny it! Jaejoong hyung and the others were right to leave when they did. You lost your golden group, but they got their freedom back!”

“It was Amber…” Krystal said. “She broke her ankle. That’s why she was gone so long.”

“No, it was Donghae.” Leeteuk spoke up. “He had to wear turtlenecks for almost two weeks to cover up bruises on his neck.”

“No, it was Taemin. He’s in the hospital now because they wouldn’t give the kid a rest.”

“No, it was Changmin. They punished him for showing his emotions too much during that Keep your head Down performance.”

“No, it was Yuri. They were starving her because she wasn’t rail thin.” Taeyeon spoke up.

“REGARDLESS,” Soo Man called all their attention back to the front of the room. “SM will go under if that footage gets in the wrong hands.” One of the board members pulled his phone out of his pocket as it vibrated, and turned away from the table politely to answer it. He ended the call quickly, and turned back around slowly. “It’s too late…” He said heavily. “The media found it.”

“Organize a press conference. We have to addre--” The rest of his words were cut off by a resounding slap across his face.

“NO.” Heechul said, furious. “I’ve watched, and ignored the way you treat us for YEARS, but no more. I won’t let you sit in your chair and just excuse the treatment that we’re given. It’s inhumane! You starve us. You hit us. You nearly kill us. You drive us almost to suicide. And it’s THEM,” he pointed at the group leaders, “Who parent these children. Who pull them together when they’re falling apart. Who keep them going. And you’re going to make them watch as you don’t change? You’re going to make them watch as you hurt their group mates, their maknaes, their brothers and sisters. Well, I’m not a leader, and I don’t give a shit what you do to me. But I will not just sit here and let any of them be hurt again by you.” Heechul stood his ground as Soo Man slowly rose to his full height and drew his hand back. He felt himself being pushed out of the way, and there was the crisp sound of a hand hitting a cheek, and Leeteuk stood there, dazed, clutching his cheek, blood slowly dripping down through his fingers.

Yunho stood, and said, “I think this meeting is over.” And the artists filed out in silence, all of them patting Heechul’s back or squeezing his shoulder as they passed. Kyuhyun and Hankyung met Leeteuk and Heechul in the hallway, looking worriedly at Leeteuk’s cheek, but he waved them away with his other hand, and they all walked to Hankyung’s car, and headed back to their dorm.


The next few days was a media frenzy. Fans and artists in other companies alike were outraged at the treatment that SM artists had received. Fans boycotted, and refused to come to events featuring SM artists. They held protests. They tried to sue.

Soo Man and the board members were in meetings for days, but there was only one option. Only one that would be agreeable to everyone.

They called a meeting with all the SM artists.

“Many of you, if not all of you, are of the opinion that you’ve been treated unfairly.” Soo Man started. “And this, we agree with. The treatment you’ve received is unfair, and violates your contracts. And so, we’ve called you here today to offer you each two options. 1. To end your contract here and now because WE have violated it, and to join a different company. I’m sure that YG or JYP would be happy to have you, let alone any of the smaller companies. Or, we can start fresh with different managers and better treatment. Each of you is being given this choice, and it’s up to you as individuals to choose where you want your future to be. You have two weeks to decide.” he bowed to all of them, and then walked out.

Conversation started almost immediately. What did this mean? Were they free? What would happen now?

“EVERYONE!” Heechul stood at the front of the room, commanding all of their attention. “I say we stay. We stay as groups. For our fans, and for each other. Because we are a family, and if some decide to stay and some decide to go, then the family will be torn apart. Soo Man-ssi is not a person to make idle promises. We WILL be treated better. Look…” His voice got softer, but still loud enough to be heard, “I know what it’s like to lose parts of your family. A lot of you do, too. For each other’s sakes, let’s all stay together.”

Family…it’s bonds can be the strongest, but if they’re torn apart, they can also be the most painful. SM didn’t crumble that day, and the treatment of the artists did improve. It turns out that almost losing everything was the wakeup call that Soo Man seemed to have needed, and he decided to retire as CEO. But, before he left, he wanted to meet with Heechul one last time.

Heechul walked into the office, sitting down and looking expectantly at Soo Man.

“Heechul-ssi…You’ve taught me a lot about humanity.” Soo Man started. “If it wasn’t for you, I would have continued on, thinking of you all as computers and machines that I could control. I want to thank you, Heechul-ssi.”

“I did what I had to do for family. You have your flaws, Lee-ssi. But so do we all. In the end, there are two things that all of us go back to. Love and music. And that’s the most important thing to anyone involved.”

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