Feb 13, 2009 17:18
Our paradigm of understanding is built upon our beliefs of who we are and what is possible. America come to be an empire based on top down communication. We were born out of the printing press and developed boks, magazines, radio and television to continue or nationalistic identity. Our identity was shaped by the editors and owners of these establishments.
Now it is different.
Our identity is shaped by you and me through the internet. We Youtube, research and develop ourselves completely independent of the past methods. Anyone with an internet connection can research and become quite competant in any field of study.
He really dosen't have to even pick up a book.
Think of how someone became proficinet in the past. They read and found others who were as interested as they were in their activity. This is still the same. The difference is that one can now communicate directly with anyone who shares their interests almost anywhere in the world. The speed of learning anything is developing exponentially.
Even more importaantly it is not necessary to learn information through the editing process of our publishers and educators. One can share and develop their ideas directly with one another.
The old paradigm is crumbling.
It is not caused by a few bad loans. It is caused by a whole public which no longer needs the foundaton that built it. As a population the beliefs where we define ourselves are changing as quick as the latest thought. The established communication methods can no longer keep up and they are crumbling.
Out of this will rise sustainable comunities. Smaller, richer, more developed and conscious communities. We will hold ourselves acountable and begin to understand the power of living together.
The old paradigm is still falling. The tower can no longer sustain itself, and everything dependent upon it now has to make a paradigm shift or become extinct.