Whoah, my first entry in a while @o@
Because I'm such a fail,
I promised this trans to
ya3haruuA week ago, and I will only post it now ORZ...
赤西姫子 (with help from
Shuta Domoto)
jhey_rhyn Shounen Club
Anata no Otegami Kakimashou!!
Yabu Kota & Yaotome Hikaru
Yabu: To Hikaru.
As it is, writing a letter nowadays, is embarassing.. so..please listen.
Hikaru: Now you've done it.
Yabu: Ahaha, Yes I do. I've done it now.
Yabu: Uhm..The first time we met was in a song in Shounen Club right?
And I was then, teaching you the song Yuuki 100%, do you remember that?
Hikaru: Yes
Yabu: And at that time, my capability was that of a kid,
and I completely shown Hikaru my unfriendly attitude
And until now I am deeply reflecting about it.
Hikaru: Dont mind it.
Yabu: Me and Hikaru, have an in and out personality.
I am the type who says "There is always way, its gonna be ok". Hikaru is the type who reminds every one of us that "everyone should do their part".
So that's why I think we get along very well.
Yabu: When we were small, we did good in our rehearsal. Playing doctors and patients, do you remember?
Hikaru: Isn't it that, at that time all we do is tickle each other!?
Yabu: The two of us then, truly were,
just tickling and playing all over desu yo.
And for that we were both exhausted and breathe at the same time perfectly!
Yabu: When Hikaru became 20 yrs. old, Its been a long time since its been just the 2 of us going out to eat at a restaurant right?
Hikaru: Yes.
Yabu: But..I had a bad feeling about it..
Hikaru: That's not what i think you know! There was barely a candy store in the alley!
Yabu: No, but I think the kids were talking strange about us! And that's why I had a bad feeling about it!
Hikaru: Ahahaha! Well, guess so..
Yabu: But before this letter ends..It was a long time ago, Hikaru's shoes was lost and the fault was blamed on me and you got so angry at me that time. But in the end, it had been a misunderstanding and I saw it as your betrayal of me.. But you never apologized back to me.
So now would be... a perfect timing.. Please apologize!
Hikaru: Im sorry! Im very sorry!
Yabu: Okay I feel better now!
But from here on, to how many years will pass and even to how many 10 years there may be, let us continue to face new challenges together.
From here on, let's continue working together!
Hikaru: Yes please!
Yabu: From Yabu Kouta.
Hikaru: To Yabu.
Well its about that white shoes,
At that time, don't you know how much my heart cried!?
Yabu: Hey hey! You're such a liar!
Hikaru: How many hundredth times! How many thousandth times! I have apologized to you to the bottom of my heart!?
Yabu: Wait, why is this turning out to be like a musical scene?
Hikaru: Too bad you don't here out my apologies huh?
Ahh but, I have no choice but to put my words into action right? So that I'd have something good to tell.
Senga.. Apologize to Yabu!
Yabu: Ehehe!? What do you mean!?
Hikaru: Well
Yabu: Senga!?
Hikaru: then you see, at that time, my white shoes was actually put into Senga's!
Yabu: You--
Hikaru: I was already thinking that what Yabu said then was true but I still went "It was you who wore my white shoes!" on you.
Yabu: Seriously!?
Hikaru: Seriously I'm telling you!
But then at that time, when I was still in a thrifty mood, I went backstage to change, Senga came in and he was sweating so hard and said.."Hikaru sorry! This white shoes was yours!"
Yabu: Hey!
Hikaru: "The size was just right!" I was like, "You?!"
Hikaru: and then I just said "Ahh forget it" to Senga after.
Yabu: Yes, yes, I can see you do that
Hikaru: so you Senga should come and apologize to Yabu already
Yabu: Its ok already, im over it!
Hikaru: Even when Yabu and I got in with the others in JUMP,
To me, Yabu's presence is special. Yes, we were always together.. We have a lot of fun and means in our lives.
Even if we are working, he has supported me through a lot of things.
Hikaru: Well then, lastly, can I just say what I would like the us to aim for?
Yabu: Sure.
Hikaru: as Yabu is the lyricist, I am the compositor. That is why, I hope that we can make more good songs for JUMP
Yabu: ohhhh
Hikaru: as minor a goal as it is, it's what I'd like us do from now on
Yabu: let's do it.
Hikaru: as its also for JUMP right, and for us to rapidly go to the next step. Even if its just the 2 of us from here and on, let us do our best to make JUMP number 1!
Yabu: do let's!
Hikaru: Thank you very much!
Yabu: Thank you very much!
Hikaru: This felt embarrassing somehow
Yabu: Isn't it because you said a lot?
Hikaru: True I guess, ahaha, Sorry!
Raw can be found here:
yabu_takeshi or
ya3haruuthere is already a subbed and diferrent/MORE ACCURATE translation done by none other than newshfan of course, and if interested you can download it already here:
NEWShFANCheers to all~
Comments and corrections are encouraged. (^_^)