Hey LJ, I heard you're near falling off the face of the earth these days :x
what with your bitchy slow loading the past few days ><
And I'm no better for not posting anything for almost a year /shot.
Dakara I give you ^^)_~
Potato 1101
Popolo 1103 (with text)
Popolo 1103 (clean)
Myojo 1105
Myojo 1105
These are all cleaned, edited & sewed together (as in that popolo 1103's case) by me and I share them to you~
Just right-click > view image them to get the original file size versions
credits to MoMozz @ baidu for raw & the others except for Popolo 1103, I'd like some credits for my work sewing that together if your sharing them outside here thank you very much ><
btw, sorry for not f-cutting my f-list m(_ _)m