Sun, 14:41: RT @ frankoslady: What going on with dr who peter capaldi WHAT A TERRIBLE CHOISE there's better actors out there BAD CHOISE APPAULD
Sun, 14:41: RT @ MarcusWeedon: Peter Capaldi the new Dr Who bad choice in my opinion! That's a step backwards for a programme that has rejuvenated itsel…
Sun, 14:42: RT @ Futureboy0fDork: I dont think i shall watch Doctor Who anymore i really hate Peter Capaldi he is awful all he does is shout spit and sw…
Sun, 14:44: RT @ Confess2Carol: Peter Capaldi is the new Doctor Who...stupse, the BBC like they jus determine to have ugly men as the Doctor then...smh
Sun, 14:45: RT @ niallsboy: peter capaldi is the new doctor smh theyre getting ugly :(:( im so done
Sun, 14:46: RT @ JesseStrika: Peter Capaldi is too old to play the Doctor. I don't think hes gonna be able to stand up to Smith or Tennant.
Sun, 14:46: RT @ samhuxleybfc: I really love Doctor Who, too much of a drastic change from Matt Smith to Peter Capaldi. He's old as fuck
Sun, 14:51: Just to clarify, RTs should not be read as endorsements! I just think it's funny how many Doctor Who fans automatically hate everything new.