Back to LJ ... and theatre of course!

Sep 10, 2013 19:37

The last couple of weeks I've seen a resurgence in LJ posts which has made me very happy. But, shame on me, I haven't started posting myself. I still check LJ every day and comment here and there, but, haven't got back into the posting frame of mind.

And, I'm going to change that. Maybe I'll be the only one to read some of my posts, but over the years, this has become a journal of sorts and I'm sad to see all that go. So, I'm welcoming myself back to LJland and hope to post every day or two -- even if it's something insubstantial but still has meaning for me.

So, for today's post -- I'm sure any and all Merlin and Colin Morgan fans have heard that he's joined the cast of the new production Mojo in the West End. (That boy just doesn't understand the meaning of taking time off, does he?)

Well, that inspired me to pick up a ticket yesterday and then, during the course of the evening, I somehow persuaded beeej that she really needed to make a trip over to England to see Colin on stage ;). And yay! It was successful! The Beeej is coming over at the beginning of January. Here's hoping that we can gather up a few other familiar faces and have a mini Slash Bash at Chez Jhava.

theater, fandom, colin morgan

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