The beggar

May 09, 2012 19:20

Darkness in my eyes, Darkness in my soul,
My eyes have been closed since birth my mother would say.
Maybe for someone else's sin I would pay.
Just a beggar with a hand out in street.
As I set on by the steps in the Temple Heat.

Many pass by, with nothing to say
for they see me here everyday.
For Food or alms I do ask
as I can not repay the task

I hear the sound of many people nearby
as if a stranger of great importance was drawing near.
Voices begin to raise and the excitement was high
Yet in the darkness, alone sit I.

I hear them pressing up on each other
More and more people pour into the square,
who is the stranger that has come this day.
A prophet or King I hear them say.
Coming to our town this day.

Silence begins to fill the square,
a great hush with only the wind to bear
I can hear the people parting around me,
as a lone set of footsteps come near to me.

Who I ask into the darkness I speak
Might you be, that is before me.
Silence again, but I felt his hand
as he rub mud into my eyes and spit into his hands.

slowly the darkness began to fade
a rabbi before me, with outstretch hand.
The crowd ask me what is happening,
I said I do not know, what is happening to me,
accept I was blind and now I see.
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