Crack fic: EijiTezuka-- translated from my chinese old fic ^^()

May 19, 2005 15:37

Title: Attraction.
Fandom: Tenipuri/POT
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Eiji/Tezuka
Disclaimer: No, I do not own Prince of Tennis
Author's notes: This is a translated version of my originally written Chinese fic.
Type: one-shot


"Kikumaru Eiji!"

The teacher called out so loudly that it startled the whole class, everyone turned to look at the person in question. Feeling everyone's eyes upon him, Eiji jumped up from his seat so fast that his chair knocked into the desk behind him. "Yes, Sensei?" he looked at his teacher with questioning eyes.

The teacher rolled her eyes in exasperation and shook her head in defeat. The whole class erupted in laughter, even Fuji, who had always tolerated Eiji's antics in class burst out laughing. Staring at Fuji in bewilderment, Eiji asked. "What?"

Forcing down his urge to laugh at Eiji's clueless look, he explained. "Eiji, the teacher had been calling you for the past five minutes for you to hand up your assignments. Yet, you didn't respond until you felt everyone's eyes on you."

Eiji blinked. "Oh..." he echoed, before reaching into his bag to pull out the assignments and hand it over to the teacher. He was about to sit back down in his seat when he felt his teacher looking at him weirdly. He didn't realized what was happening until Fuji said.

"Eiji, it's English not Maths now... why are you handing in your Maths assignments?" Fuji frowned.

"Eh?" Eiji looked at his schedule then back to the assignment still in the teacher's outstretch hand and groaned inwardly. Apologizing with embarrassment, he took the assignments back and pulled out another set from his bag. This time around, he double check the assignment subject before handing it in to the teacher. As soon as the teacher left his side, he sat down in embarrassment.

During the afternoon Tennis practice, his concentration level was exceptionally low. Oishi, his double partner keep shooting him bewildered glances which he pretended not to notice. He was feeling exceptionally nervous and jittery the whole day, he knew he was not behaving like his usual self but that couldn't be help. He tried his best to concentrate but he can't seem to do it. Especially not when Tezuka was looking so sexy in the court next to them.

Feeling utterly shameful of his own performance that day, Eiji fled the court immediately after practice was over. Fuji, being observant as usual, notices Eiji's strange and bewildered behavior all morning decided to discuss the matter with others on the team. Of course, he has his own suspicion as well.

As soon as Tezuka left for home, Fuji gathered the rest of the members around and asked. "Ne, have you guys noticed anything different with Eiji lately?"

Oishi appeared to be in deep thought, after a while, he spoke up hesitantly. "Now that you mentioned it, Eiji does seems a little pre-occupied recently."

Fuji resisted the urge to smirk, as he asked. "So when exactly did he appeared to be pre-occupied?"

Oishi frowned when he answered, "Well... It seems that Eiji would get easily distracted whenever Tezuka was around. Occasionally, Eiji would even sneak glances at Tezuka when he thought I'm not looking at him."

Upon hearing Oishi's answer, Momoshiro let out a shrill whistle and commented. "So, Eiji-sempai did liked Tezuka buchou..."

Fuji's lips quirked, and suggested. "Saa... I guess we could help them, can't we?"

Oishi felt his frown deepened, "This isn't so good, isn't it? We could get into deep trouble when Tezuka found out..."

"Maa... Oishi, just leave it to me..." Fuji smiled secretly, while the rest of them shuddered, not wanting to know what Fuji had in store for their captain and Eiji.

The next morning, Fuji pulled Eiji all the way to a spot behind a pillar where he knew Tezuka was there reading his novel. Using casual approach, he asked.

"Saa... Eiji, do you liked anyone in our school?"

"Eh?" Eiji looked at Fuji in shock, and blurted out. "Why, how did you know?"

"So, who is it?" Fuji prompted.

"Why do you want to know?" Eiji looked at Fuji with suspicion.

"Saa... curiousity kills the cat, I supposed." Fuji smiled serenely.

"Promised you wouldn't tell?" Eiji eyed Fuji seriously.

"I promised." Fuji replied.

"Tezuka..." Eiji whispered.

"Aa... so it's our buchou..." Fuji smiled with satisfaction, knowing he had achieved his aim since Tezuka already heard everything of their conversation.

Tezuka, being someone without showing much feelings around others, didn't make any response as to what he heard earlier on. It wasn't until after practice that he requested for Eiji to stay behind after everyone had left.

"Kikumaru, I'd overheard your conversation with Fuji this morning near the pillar." Tezuka said, without hesitation.

Eiji's eyes widen at Tezuka's words as he blushes madly. Unwilling to meet Tezuka's eyes, he averted his eyes to the ground. It wasn't until he heard Tezuka mumbling incoherently that he raised his eyes up trying to figure out what Tezuka was mumbling about. However, he was stunned by the impact of Tezuka's lips crushing down on his.

At that moment, he felt as if time had stopped moving. His mind was in a blank, he can't think, react nor do anything to respond. The only thing he was aware of is Tezuka's lips, he couldn't believe it. He thought it was a dream, Tezuka was actually kissing him willingly. It took him quite some time to regain his senses as he felt Tezuka pulling away slightly.

For a while, none of them spoke except for silent eye contact. Slowly, they smiled at each other and headed for home together with hands held.


date started: Sometime in September 2003

date completed: sometime in September 2003

Date Revised and translated: 18/05/05

This fic is unbeta-ed and a translation of my work 2 yrs back, if it went ooc I apologized. This is for may_neuma Crossed posted to my fics journal only ^^ Crossed posted to potfics
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