MSN Challenge fic 3 (Tachibana/Tezuka)

May 18, 2005 09:54

Title: Late Night Visit
Fandom: POT/Tenipuri
Pairings: Tachibana/Tezuka
Disclaimer:No, I do not own Prince of Tennis
Type: Challenge fics, drabbles
Author's notes: First attempt at this pairing... pardon me if it's not well-written. ^__^ This is written specially for ochibi_chan


It was late at night, it was storming outside. The wind howl, the trees rustled and scratched against the windows panes. Tezuka Kunimitsu was all alone at home doing his leisure reading when he heard knocking coming from the front door. Glancing at his watch, he wonder who would be coming over under such terrible weather.

Pulling the front door open, he was met by the sight of a drenched Tachibana Kippei. Out of courteousy, Tezuka invited Tachibana in and handed the other boy a towel to dry off. Next, Tezuka handed Tachibana a cup of hot tea to warm up before he frowned and asked. "What brings you over under such terrible weathers? Don't you know it's better to stay at home when it's storming?"

Tachibana smiled. "Well, what can I say? After all, I am guilty as charge."

Tezuka looked at Tachibana seriously and asked. "I'm asking you what brings you over, so don't bother to avoid the question."

"I missed you." Tachibana replied. "Well... it's true, the weather forecast predicted the storm to last for 48 hours. All schools were out of commission for the next two days."

Tezuka merely shrugged and said. "So?"

Tachibana let out an exasperated sigh, and answered. "Tezuka, you know as well as I do that I can't survived without seeing you at least once in every 24 hours. The storm will last for 48 hours or more, I couldn't last that long without having you next to me. So, I decided to come over. After all, your parents weren't home for the weekend, isn't that so?"

For a while Tezuka looked as if he had something to say, but decided against it at the last moment. Tachibana grinned inwardly at his victorious attempts on gaining Tezuka's silent permission to stay for the night. Ignoring Tezuka's protests, he pulled the latter in for a long-lasting kiss.


date started: 17/05/05

date completed: 17/05/05

Reviews/Comments are appreciated, Flames are tolerated. This is not beta-ed. Crossed-posted to potfics, land_of_fics and crack_pot
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