Jan 12, 2009 18:26
My day sucked from the moment I woke up. I should have stayed in bed but of course I have to be the good person that I am. Arrived at work and basically nothing was done by overnight. My friend that works on my shift went to get her payroll looked at by the supervisor and when she got back, the toilet had overflowed and one of the participants was having outbursts. He had outbursts throughout the day as well. Then, she had a stress test at the hospital, left, and was supposed to be back by 11am. She never came back. I worked alone, even though I asked for help at various points throughout the day but to no avail. Ran around with a chicken with his head cut off and didn't accomplish anything and barely had time to grab a bite myself. Didn't get to clean that much. Told my head supervisor what had happened and if my friend was coming back to work or called to say she was running late. She said no and said she send someone over. By then I tossed the keys on the table and told the person that a participant needed to be feed and walked around the block. 20 minutes later, that staff was still sitting there watching TV and hadn't feed the participant. That walk was for nothing. After feeding, cleaning, books and shit, I left again after I was supposed to get off. Off course, the new grill/oven thing wasn't cleaned when I got home. Also, I called my friend back and she said the hospital did more tests and forgot to put the heart monitor on her for the second stress test so she had to do it again. She also called our shift supervisor to tell her she was running late so that she could tell me. Shift Supervisor didn't even tell me or call me to check on me. I was furious again. Not to mention Warm shower turing to cold, bill shit, checking to see if my college loan got deferred, and whatver.
I am so emotionally drained right now, its not even funny. I didn't want to post this because I didn't want to burden anyone with my bad day or being depressed. I am not even sure who will see this. I just got done crying but don't feel any relief and feel like I may cry again. I don't know. I need to find a job in St. Louis or somewhere but preferably St. Louis. I am so drained, I don't feel like checking Career Builder.com to fill out an app for a job that I may possibly not be qualified for and have no transportation that isn't Jack's Car. I don't know what to do...I am off for now.
st. louis,
job sucks,