Look at it this way - EVERYONE NEEDS LOVE, everyone needs to feel apart of something, to be near to someone. We are by nature a species that needs the company and love of its fellow species. And because of this love that we share for eachother, we tend to protect our fellow people from harm. A guy doesn't tell his best friend to jump from a cliff if he loves him. He also won't sit idly on the side and watch his friend get shot if he knows he can do something. Same thing goes with this present situation. "Friends don't let friends go to hell
( ... )
so far, i havent seen a single fact from ANYONE opposing me... and so far, no one has really read what i have been writing. punk rock girl, to be completely honest, your spouting air at me. its doing nothing. you basically have nothing to say, so you've resorted to insulting my spelling. your only insulting yourself by doing that. anyone that knows me, knows i have terrrrrrribleee spleling and its never been an issue. stop wasting your time.
tina, i'd totally love to explain the noah's ark thing, dinosaurs, and why the creation works. i believe in evolution, if large cat, to domestic cat is evolution. but i'll explain to you in an e-mail why monkey to human doesnt work. and there is zero evidence in favor of evolution. only theory, no bones. the ones they THOUGHT were real were fake. darwin admited it was only a theory. no proof.
Wasn't insulting you, deary. You seem very set in "saving" us, and it's difficult to take you even a little serious if you can't even use the correct "your/you're".
You talk big for someone who can't be bothered to leave a name.
And DUDE! If spelling is an issue for you, yur'er at teh wrogn plcae. Alas, it's true. It's also not the right place to be if you're looking for intellegent conversation.
tina, i'd totally love to explain the noah's ark thing, dinosaurs, and why the creation works. i believe in evolution, if large cat, to domestic cat is evolution. but i'll explain to you in an e-mail why monkey to human doesnt work. and there is zero evidence in favor of evolution. only theory, no bones. the ones they THOUGHT were real were fake. darwin admited it was only a theory. no proof.
I hardly see how that's insulting myself.
Good luck in University.
- CC
And DUDE! If spelling is an issue for you, yur'er at teh wrogn plcae.
Alas, it's true. It's also not the right place to be if you're looking for intellegent conversation.
*tsk tsk tsk*
Such a shame.
- CC
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