You are telling me that I should believe a book written thousands of years ago because it IS TRUE, despite the fact that many of the things in this book go against my beliefs, based on what I have seen in my life and my feelings. The fact alone that you can not prove any of this(you've even said that you don't know why homosexuality is wrong, it JUST IS - well, that's no reason at all. I have many gay friends who are some of the most wonderful, intelligent, loving people I've ever met), and that there are many other religions that will also tell me that they are correct and give me "proofs," shows to me that organized religion in general is never going to explain the mysteries of the world to me. Saying god created the earth is just adding one more step to my confusion as to who created the world - because who created god, then? It isn't a solution! It's just stopping at that step.
On the other hand, I am not saying I'm an atheist. I have had strong spiritual feelings before, moments where I've been so amazed at the universe and at how small we really are. This, however, does not prove the CHRISTIAN GOD to me any more than it proves the god(s) of any other religion. And I do not believe that, if there is a god, that it has a gender - that it could possibly be anything remotely human-like (writing "god created us in his image" just seems egotistical and archaic to me.)
I have no reason to believe your religion. I have reason to believe that there MAY be a higher power, but I'm not so presumptuous as to say that I know ANYTHING is true. The world is a gigantic, wonderful mystery. That's the beauty in it, in my eyes. I'd rather not try to explain it with an ancient book filled with rules I can't understand and a god who is known for killing people (again...old testament god makes no sense to me. Surely jesus coming upon the earth can't explain his father's cruelty in the past)
Hey, from what I've read and heard of jesus, he was a wonderful man. I have nothing against him, or following his philosophy of being tolerable of everyone. But I know that in history, religions have caused so many wars and so much pain that I would really rather not be a part of any of them, considering it doesn't make any sense to me anyway.
And according to your texts, I am going to suffer for eternity, just because of this, no matter how many other good, beautiful things I may accomplish. I just don't believe it. Have fun in heaven, 'cause I agree with Mark Twain - "I'd go to heaven for the atmosphere and hell for the company."
You are telling me that I should believe a book written thousands of years ago because it IS TRUE, despite the fact that many of the things in this book go against my beliefs, based on what I have seen in my life and my feelings. The fact alone that you can not prove any of this(you've even said that you don't know why homosexuality is wrong, it JUST IS - well, that's no reason at all. I have many gay friends who are some of the most wonderful, intelligent, loving people I've ever met), and that there are many other religions that will also tell me that they are correct and give me "proofs," shows to me that organized religion in general is never going to explain the mysteries of the world to me. Saying god created the earth is just adding one more step to my confusion as to who created the world - because who created god, then? It isn't a solution! It's just stopping at that step.
On the other hand, I am not saying I'm an atheist. I have had strong spiritual feelings before, moments where I've been so amazed at the universe and at how small we really are. This, however, does not prove the CHRISTIAN GOD to me any more than it proves the god(s) of any other religion. And I do not believe that, if there is a god, that it has a gender - that it could possibly be anything remotely human-like (writing "god created us in his image" just seems egotistical and archaic to me.)
I have no reason to believe your religion. I have reason to believe that there MAY be a higher power, but I'm not so presumptuous as to say that I know ANYTHING is true. The world is a gigantic, wonderful mystery. That's the beauty in it, in my eyes. I'd rather not try to explain it with an ancient book filled with rules I can't understand and a god who is known for killing people (again...old testament god makes no sense to me. Surely jesus coming upon the earth can't explain his father's cruelty in the past)
Hey, from what I've read and heard of jesus, he was a wonderful man. I have nothing against him, or following his philosophy of being tolerable of everyone. But I know that in history, religions have caused so many wars and so much pain that I would really rather not be a part of any of them, considering it doesn't make any sense to me anyway.
And according to your texts, I am going to suffer for eternity, just because of this, no matter how many other good, beautiful things I may accomplish. I just don't believe it. Have fun in heaven, 'cause I agree with Mark Twain - "I'd go to heaven for the atmosphere and hell for the company."
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