I just read this story this morning and it brought an almost instant tear to my eye. Such a horrible thing to have happen to such an innocent person. And it wasn’t just her - this happened millions of times in so many other places too. The story doesn’t even have her full diary in it, either. Just a few small excerpts to gain insight to the life of a growing young girl in horrific circumstances. I don’t think I would even want to read that whole thing. I couldn’t stomach it. The world pisses me off sometimes.
I want a Utopia. I’m tired of hearing about the world’s atrocities. People being killed because someone doesn’t care for their nationality or their religion. Kids being stolen and sold into slavery or forced to fight for a militia. Stories like this girl’s diary can definitely motivate and inspire people. But inspiration should come from art, from love, from the good things in life. Instead, we’re called into action to fight in a brutal war when someone attacks us and hurts us. We move into action and begin searching for the asshole driver who runs someone over and kills them with their car because they didn’t want to stop to file a collision report. The good is in there too. There is art. There is love. There are plenty of good things in this world, and from time to time I’ve personally been able to drink those in and be inspired to create something just as beautiful in return. It’s the other side of life that angers me so much. That there can be people so drunk with power, so full of hate, that they purposefully seek out to destroy others. Not just kill them, not just hurt them, but to take away every shred of existence of them as a human being - mentally, physically and emotionally - and to leave them a wrecked pile of despair and gloat in their misery. Oh how I sometimes wish I were born in a different era - I can get very easily angered and motivated to dish out what was given, but unfortunately it was in a different time and place. I wish things could change. Why does it have to be human nature to be so evil to each other? To have so much anger and hate inside that you delight in torturing another person at their very soul? Evil exists when good people do nothing. I wish I had the means and the outlet to do those things I would like to do that could end such evil existence, but I’m not omnipotent. I’ll have to take care of my own little corner of the world and pray that other people do the same at their ends too.
This world sucks.
Rutka Laskier, you will be missed but never forgotten.