3 Big Goals

Oct 01, 2012 01:07

I could have and probably would have died if things had gone according to the plan I set up in my mind back in January. I'd have been on the road, quite possibly in the middle of nowhere, when my appendix went bad. It would have burst, the temporary relief (because it actually feels better for a while after it bursts, according to the doctor) would have made me push on, and I'd have died. Quite simple.

Instead, my plan changed when I fell in love and moved to Virginia.

But it amazes me how close I came if things had just gone a little bit differently.

So I want to change a few things in my life and I want to set 3 really big audacious goals for myself over the course of the next year (roughly).

So, by 9/21/13 (one year after my appendix tried to kill me) I would like to have done these 3 things in an attempt to better myself:

1. Get Fit
I've made this goal roughly a billion times, and I mean it every single time I make it, so nothing I say here is going to change the fact that I haven't done it in the past but I'm looking forward to going back to some better eating habits I had picked up and I'm finding fun activities to do that count as cardiovascular activity as well as muscle-building instead of just going to the gym. Now that I have a little girl to care for my extra time is curtailed rather severely but I'm trying to find ways to work around this.

2. Get Creative
I started taking up drawing not too long ago because I wanted a creative outlet. I allowed my drawing and my writing to fall to the side. What I'd really like to do is put a webcomic out there featuring my writing and my drawing. My art sucks but I'm okay with that. Really this is more for me than for others to see how much I can improve over the course of a year; to really work at it.

3. Get Cooking
I miss experimenting with food. I've been working on this one a little bit lately (making homemade mozzarella and ricotta cheese, for example) but I'd really like to start cooking for more people more often. This is a bit of social interaction on top of improving my skills. I want to read about cooking, really study it and learn the classic techniques that I know nothing about. I want to broaden my skill set and really get impressive.

On top of this all I need to be a great boyfriend, an amazing dad, and keep a clean house. I'm not working other than as a full-time dad so that helps (sort of) but time is going to be tight.

I want to see a definite change in my life and I need to grab the reins and jump in with both feet.

Any encouragement along the way is greatly appreciated.

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