Spring Depression this year acts up waaay over the top!>_< I need to go away somewhere where people will piss off and leave me to my misery without wanting things and asking for things from one side and ignoring my attempts from the other>_>
And I need to get out ot Middle Earth, I used to have a life before that goddamn movie came out! T_______T
...I am totally writing Hobbit fanfiction now, who would've thought=_=
Especially that I've never felt comfortable in Tolkien's universe - in my head he was always considered to be some kind of a fellow fanfic writer and so using his creation always felt like some kind of fandomish faux pas; like setting my story in a verse made up by someone who is
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About yesterday I realised that I've spent a significant portion of the last week in Middle Earth - which did't happen since I was reading LoTR years and years ago
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