well i cant decide which laptop to get!
do i get the vaio s150 for roughly $1850 (not direct from sony) or the
s170 for about $2150 (direct from sony since only sony sells it because
it is customizable)????
the only difference between the two is bluetooth added technology
(won't get), a MUCH better video graphics card (radeon 9700 with 64 mb
vs. radeon 9200 with 32 mb), and processor (pentium m 1.5 vs. 1.6).
so what it comes down to is the graphics card. i don't plan on playing
games or any of that shit; basically only watching video and dvds. i
would LOVE such a great qulaity video card if it's worth it, but i
don't think i'll need it. you would think sony would at least make the
top quality card standard in the prebuilt model if they're putting a
great processor and 60 gb of hard drive space in there.
yes, i'm just as lost as anyone who is reading this.
oh, here's a picture (both are identical casing and such):
Oh yeah, and:
wow, two weeks. holy shit!