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Jul 06, 2006 15:04

So I haven't updated since San Diego... The conference went great! All the teachers there really were interested in what we were talking about, and it was fun too! Not to mention how insanely nice my hotel room was (best bed EVER). On the drive back up, I took myself out for an expensive sushi dinner-good stuff. well, more like amazing. :)

When I got back, I went straight to Corey's. This past weekend, we did the 3rd Sreet Promenade (3 blocks up from the ocean/pier)--its a really cool place to do people watching. There were a bunch of street performers, and it was simply nice to just get out and walk around. Sat. night I took Corey to this little secluded park on a bluff out in Malibu to watch the sunset. It was gorgeous, and we stayed till after the stars came out, and watched them for a while too. Sunday, his family taught me how to play Canasta, his dad started working on fixing my computer, I helped cook dinner, and then Corey and I played some head's up poker (I won 1/4--not too bad in my eyes) :).

Monday I came into work, and did very little that was productive. We had a race to see who could get out the door by 2:30 so we wouldn't have to be the one's to set the alarm. The western regional director sent us all an email saying we could leave 2 hours early in honor of the 4th. That was nice--so I went to the store and picked up some crazy killer bug spray (that morning i had discovered a miriad of moisture ants. gross)... so i went on a little killing spree when i got home, and boy did it feel good! I also picked up a bunch of strawberries at the store--79 cents a box! Yay for fruit being in season. After I dropped grociers off at home/killed bugs, I headed out to Santa Monica, and figured with teh normal rush hour traffic it would take me an hour to an hour and a half. I was there in 35 minutes. As I was about to knock on his door, Corey called me asking where I was... He told me that he had a staff meeting that night that went till 8, and he'd be home for like 30 minutes before he had to leave. But thats ok... :) I like his family, and they like me, so we entertained ourselves. Oh-also really cute, he picked me up on his way back to the busyard after dropping all his kids off (he drives a bus route for the camp he works at), and I got to ride in his schoolbus! That night, I made strawberry shortcake for everybody, and we just cuddled and went to bed around 1:30.

Tuesday, our friends Nick, Matt, and Daniel came out from Oxy and we went to lunch, followed by the Santa Monica Beach! We played sand touch football. Corey and I barely lost (which I consider pretty good seeing as i was on his team...). By the way, that was SOOO exhausting, but really fun! :) I walked back to my car, went and changed, and then headed back out east of Pasadena to my Cousin's Fiancee's Parent's house (6 degrees from kevin bacon anyone?), for their engagement party--he had proposed that morning! It was really good to see my family all together, and so happy! Then I headed BACK out to Santa Monica (around 8:15) and Corey and I got to the park where his family was JUST in time for fireworks. The show was OK, but the company was stellar. When we got back to his house, I gave Corey his first ever Debbie massage, which he loved :). After that, it was like 11, and we just kind of laid on his bed till 11:30 when i had to leave.

That brings me to yesterday, and ends my desire to write in complete sentences. Enjoy. work. back hurt. got massage. kinda helped. was only $50. was worth it. Watched movie w/ matt, nick, hunter. "Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human". Starred Carmen Electra. Lots of sex. HILARIOUS and awful at the same time. Highly reccommended if you're in the mood for a dumb comedy. Disclaimer: do not watch with overprotective parents or innocent younger siblings. :)

AAAAAAND im at work, and need to get back to it... Tonight is laundry night, big brother (insert some roman numeral here), sleep. Tomorrow Corey's coming out, the guys are coming over, and we're playing beer pong... Then Saturday is definitely PIRATES!!! and maybe poker :)
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