(no subject)

Feb 16, 2006 12:15

HELLO FRIENDS/LOVED ONES! Sorry about not posting in a while. Life has been slightly beyond hectic the past few weeks... I'm not really sure when the last time I updated was, but lets just say its been too long. OK, so about 2 1/2 weeks ago, I had 2 internship applications, as well as my RA application due. Since then, I've had my RA interview (which I think went pretty well!), and this morning got an email from one of the internships (the one for this summer at USC) basically just checking to see if i was still interested. I should hear in the next few days if I get it or not...

Basically this week has been pretty good. I've talked to lots of friends who I miss tons, continued making travel plans with becca for spring break, and emailed Neal about staffing Regional!!! (cross your fingers everyone!!REB friends-put in a good word for me! heh) :)

OK, i've gotta run and grade math hw, but I miss you all and hope everything is good!
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