Yesterday...I went shopping and got shorts and stuffs...we went to Denny's and had a crazy waitress. :-P Then the dance...ohh, the dance. Check the LJ cut for "fight details" (funny how that's become a regular in here).
Other than THAT, the dance was pretty good. :-]
Well, it's a lovely day outside, I'd like to enjoy it. :-] I refuse to let this get to me! *pumps fist in air* I need a good book to read, but the library doesn't have anything, darn it.
It's too nice out to be on the computer! And I'm hungry. I'll update later.
Let's see...someone told *someone* that I called her a word that I don't even USE because of past trouble with it. She claims she was "in the stall" in the bathroom when a few people I was with were talking about how she was uptown with Sarah. I know she wasn't in the stall because as soon as we got out of the bathroom, we saw her and Sarah walk in. Therefore, unless she's got some strange powers that I'm not aware of, she couldn't be in 2 places at once. I think I know who told her that, anyway. I just have to get some things cleared up first. I hope *this person* realizes this is just what happened to Sarah and Amy--some claimed they heard Amy call Sarah something she didn't, and Sarah chooses to believe someone else over Amy's word, and Sarah won't listen to or acknowledge Amy when she gives her a note to try and work it out...then they stopped talking.
But hey, who needs someone who will do that to their "friend" and not willing to work things out like mature 13 year olds. If you are willing to drop a friend so quickly, I can't help but think you didn't care about them in the first place. I know that if someone like me and Cailyn or me and Erica or me and whoever got into a big ol' fight over something someone told them, we'd be mature enough to talk to each other and work it out.
If *someone* doesn't want to listen to me when I try to tell her the truth, so be it. I don't need a friend who will take some misunderstood gossip over my honest-to-God word.
*Someone,* if you are willing to talk to me about this, please do. You know who you are. But hey, if you want to ignore the problem like an immature 4th grader like Sarah is choosing to do, that's your choice.
People wonder why I'm stressed out all the time. Does this answer your questions?!
I'm sick of these fights. They are emotionally draining and I don't need it. I have to wonder if this is all even worth my energy. I've tried to stay neutral in "girl world" for so long, but it didn't work. Girls will be girls. I don't even know why I try to change it anymore.