Lazing on a Sunday afternoon.

Sep 21, 2008 13:27

The David Bowie party was awesome. Not as many people dressed to the 9s like I expected, but I didn't really care. I looked AMAZING. I was so proud of myself, the costume turned out so well! Grace squealed her head off when she saw the finished product, haha. So did her sister, for that matter. If I were a man, I'm pretty sure morals would have been tested.

Had another work fight with Mike. He said something snarky and kept trying to make me look stupid and I told him off. I have NEVER worked with/known ANYONE as hard to be around as that boy. Seriously. It's like, he wants you to tiptoe around him--don't say or do anything that even MIGHT set him off or you're in for days and days of silent treatment! He can talk down to you all he wants but if you try to defend yourself he's going to get pissed. And not act civil to you, at all, even just to get work done. I can't imagine treating people the way he does. And the thing is, he's such an awesome guy (in general). If he could get this big emotional-angry mess of his under control, that would be great. I don't see that happening. I can't wait to see how he deals with Tom at work--Tom talks down to EVERYONE. It's going to be interesting to see how Mike handles that.

So...yeah. I'm more than ready to go to Michigan. I just want to get away from work, my apartment, pretty much everything.

I had a dream last night that I got some kind of award for my writing. It was praised with shining words of excellence and superiority. Nice dream. Makes me want to write something worthy of shining words of excellence...Kara has a deal with me that I'm supposed to write a book by March 18, 2010. I'm working on that I have vague notes written in a notebook about a dream I had (not the one I just wrote about, obviously--that'd be boring. Only my parents would want a copy, and ONLY out of their feelings of obligation.) So...good luck to me, I guess. I've always wanted to write a book but haven't had the inspiration or discipline to sit down and get it done.

Maybe this time.

Don't worry, if it's a bestseller I'll have some kind of livejournal code so that you all can get a discount.

Haha! It's good to be over-optimistic sometimes.
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