Just to show I'm still kickin.

Sep 17, 2008 22:30

Yeah, I always mean to start updating more often but...well, I don't. Oops! No one is waiting with baited breath to read my brain rantings so I feel ok with falling off the livejournal bandwagon 11 out of 12 months.

So...when we last parted, I was crazy about Mike, right? No wait, I was over Mike and had just broken up with Terry. Well, since then I fell back into like with Mike then back out when I found out that, surprise surprise, he only contemplated sexing me up, nothing else. So I'm off him, permanently this time. I'm not interested in anyone at the moment but I'm not overly concerned with it. Because I'm, let's face it, currently poor white trash. Making more money/finding a better job is kind of my number one priority right now.

My parents are back in Camden and it feels GREAT to have them so close! My mom is much better now that they're back to the familiar surroundings she's used to. She even made cookies and came down to see me this past week. It's just like it used to be when I was in college and I can't explain what a huge positive step that is for her. I'm so proud of her and I'm so glad she's back to herself, at least for the most part. I was so scared for a while that she wasn't going to be my mom anymore...that she was going to turn into a complete stranger that I couldn't talk to, couldn't like. I'd always love her, regardless, but...I didn't like her. That sounds terrible, but unless you go through it you don't understand. I'm so relieved that she's back. I've missed her, it's been almost a year since she's been herself.

Upcoming events I'm very much looking forward to:

*Grace's birthday party this Friday (David Bowie themed, oh snap! I'm going to be Jareth from Labyrinth!!)
*Trip to Michigan with Mom and Dad for Nana and Papa's 60th anniversary (As I said, I'm freaking poor--M&D paid for my plane ticket, early Christmas or whatev, and I'm just taking the one week loss of pay as a sacrifice. Seeing my family is SO much more important. I'll live off Ramen for a while, I guess.)
*HALLOWEEN. Lindsay is planning a huge party and I can't wait. I've been working on my Mad Hatter costume for several weeks already.
*Halloween Horror Nights. Yeah, I'm poor. I don't know how I'm going to make this one work out...I'll try, though, because the Bloody Mary thing looks awesome!

I need to round up a suit case for my Michigan trip, and a backpack to use as a carry on...and tomorrow I need to finish my Jareth costume, hopefully for less than $5, but I'm absolutely not allowed to spend more than $10. Having problems finding blouse-y white frilly shirts that have long enough sleeves for me. Ugh. But I don't really have any worries, I'll find something and make it work. I'm awesome at costumes, not to be a gloating bitch but...yeah. I'm proud of my costume/makeup skillz.

Well then. That's more than enough of a peak into the sordid (HA) details of my life. Hope you're all just swell! <3
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