Doujinshi and Buttons Arrived.

Jan 30, 2011 01:30

RusAme Doujinshi and Hetalia Buttons
Today I the last of my packages with my orders! ;D Hell yeah. 
The last one to arrive had buttons from the DA artist Alatherna. DA Here.  
2 x America
2 x Russia
1 x England
1 x Canada 
2 x RussiAmerica Buttons

No idea what in the world I'm going to do with them though. o_o;;

The other was a RussiAmerica Doujinshi called "Furball Surprise". It's focused around Neko!Hetalia. Super cute. :D
It was created by one of my favorite RusAme artists, Waterylt. Website I ordered from.

america, buttons, russia, doujinshi

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