I needed to pop this journal cherry. So here it is, the first one. ;__; PLEASE BE GENTLE.
And it's also working as a disclaimer regarding what this LJ will mostly be used for:
1) Hetalia shit. If you want to watch/friend this journal, you'd better not mind it. Sorry.
2) Personal content. I guess I don't really mind random strangers knowing stuff about me.
So start stalking, you creepers.
3) Other random things I find amusing or worthy of indulging in discussion about?
Hetalia Shipping Information:
I SHIP AL-BOY LIKE A $5 HOOKER ON THE LAS VEGAS STRIP. The poor boy...all the STD's. .__.;;
(From Photobucket, Credit: ? Mail me to receive credit if it's yours please.)
Some of my America favorites:: (America) x (Russia/Canada/England/Japan)
Occasionally I'll whore him out to Germany, South Korea, Belarus, and rarely China.
Other Favorites:: Spamano, Germany/Prussia, Bela/Liet, SuFin, Switzerland/Liechtenstein, Den/Nor and Prus/Hung/Aust.
Prussia, America, Russia, Romano, and Canada will receive special attention.