Every now and then while bored at work I ask myself where I'm going to level Jet in the revamped vanilla zones during Cataclysm. I decided to take a moment now to look through all the zones and see what's available at what levels, a chart available on the
WoWwiki's Cataclysm page.
My choices for Jet are going to be pretty obvious from level 1 to 20, seeing as there aren't that many places for him to choose from. Kezan and Lost Isles from 1 to 13 and then to Azshara from then to 20. After that?
You can be sure that I'll be checking out all zones that have anything to do with goblins. Role play reasons, see? Gotta check out m' bros! Second rule after that is to generally avoid Eastern Kingdoms since I don't want to get involved with any of Sylvanas's crap. She can plague bomb her own enemies. Thankfully there aren't any zones with goblin stuff mixing with Forsaken stuff, so I'm pretty in the clear. The zones with goblin stuff in old world are these:
Northern Barrens with Ratchet (10-20), Tanaris with Gadgetzan (45-50), Thousand Needles with that Speed Barge (40-45), always some good Goblin activity in Un'goro Crater (50-55), I'll have to check out the Badlands for a dragon who looks like a goblin (45-48), Northern Stranglethorn (25-30), Cape of Stranglethorn (30-35), and Winterspring (50-55).
From 20 to 25, Horde players are left with two choices, and both involve being kind of wicked. I'm not a fan, as I said, of going to help Sylvanas and her bitchyness, but the thought of blowing up and humiliating those bearded assholes, Stormpike, is tempting. However, as a goblin, I would see taking Ashenvale as being much more profitable. Sorry night elves. :)
After that (25 to 30) it's off to Northern Stranglethorn, but alternatively I might do Stonetalon Mountains as well, since the story there kind of follows from Ashenvale.
30 to 35 is Cape of Stranglethorn and Booty Bay, a goblin paradise, and then I'll check out Desolace to continue the Kalimdor story.
35 to 40 is all Feralas.
40 to 45, Thousand Needles.
45 to 50, will be both Tanaris and Badlands obviously.
50 to 55, Un'goro Crater and Winterspring.
And 55 to 60, provided I'm not 60 already, is wherever before I head to Outland. In Outland I'll get to 69 and wherever I am I'll skip ahead to Netherstorm for some Area 52 action. Same goes with Northrend and Area 53 in Storm Peaks. Once I hit 80, well then it's all the new stuff. :)
It might take a while since I'm doubling up on some of the revamped vanilla zones, but I'm not about to skip out on some of the more interesting story elements. From Ashenvale to Thousand Needles seems to tell a tale about Night Elves and Tauren and how the war between the Alliance and Horde force them as enemies but eventually they decide to set aside their differences in Thousand Needles to combat the Grim Totem.
Fun stuff, and only a few weeks away now. Damn it, why does time have to creep when we axciously wait for things? :(