
Oct 06, 2009 09:18

The lemon tree is putting lemons all over the place. I am going to get one of those plastic juicer cup thingies and a bunch of ice cube trays so I can juice them and freeze the lemon juice for later. I made lemon butter last night and had some on toast this morning. It was pretty good. Though a bit too sweet maybe. I also have to get out the back with a measuring tape so we can plan the cat park and possibly a small slimline type shed for the garden tools. I found a great website to buy a little shed from for $381 and it has a sliding door so you don't have to allow door opening space... they also sell flat packed powdercoated avairies very much like the cat park suppliers but half the price. The cat door is going to be expensive where we want to install it because it's the toughened glass next to the laundry sliding door. The laundry is catspace and there aren't really any other normal windows to the back yard. It will be good for the cats to be set up with their own space like that, so when we get the new greyhound, the cats can have a baby gate to their laundry and get away from the dogs. I will get a crate for the grey too, mainly for when we go out in the evening. I reckon the grey and Bender can hang out outside during the day. There is a neighbouring cat that has been coming into the yard but I think it will stop when it realises that Bender is out there. Hopefully Bender will scare it off. Apparently even cat-tested greys can be a danger to cats outside (not that there is a lot of 'running room' in our yard anyway for the chase to happen).

Anyway to make room for all this we are going to be digging out some Roses. I wonder if anyone wants them? Think I might just list them on gumtree. I think we will keep the lemon tree but it is going to get a good prune. At the moment it is just a bit too big.

house, lemons

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