
Aug 03, 2009 09:23

Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to People:

1. Stop telling ridiculous stories. One day you will be telling the truth but I won't believe you at all.

2. I like you. You're sweet and you work hard. But don't get so defensive if someone has a suggestion.

3. You're such a smart arse but that's why I like you. You are also pretty funny, for an accountant. ;)

4. Before you start casting aspersions about the gender of the baby-dykes on the field, maybe you should take a good look at yourself and your friends. Others could say exactly the same about you, and I'm sure you would be hurt or just a little pissed off.

5. Women's arm pit hair is not disgusting. It is a personal choice how long someone chooses to go between removing it (even if removal = never).

6. Binge drinking is bad, mmmkay? (this applies to many people!)

7. I miss flirting with you.

8. I wish I could really get to know you.

9. I am jealous that you got to where I wanted to be, and I have to admit that yes, you are entertaining, and perhaps I'm not.

10. Why ask someone a question if you are not at all interested in the answer?

Nine things about myself:

1. I find my job unchallenging but will always go for the first thing available that will pay the bills.

2. Being a broadcaster trained me out of swearing! I hardly swear at all now and it's kind of liberating because I get a reaction when I do.

3. I was the most uncoordinated kid in my year at school, was always picked last in sports, and used to wag sports if it was my first class and hide in the bushland around my house. I didn't start riding bicycles til I was about 11.

4. I was one of the first kids in my year to have a steady boyfriend, and others hooked up with randoms in order to 'keep up'. He was a bit of a feral but was sweet in his own way.

5. I come from a long line of rev-heads

6. I still have a passion for housing/transport/planning policy that is somewhat unrequited...

7. I used to build computers and write stupid programs in Quik Basic

8. Kids seem to get attached to me quickly, not sure why

9. I used to be a spelling/grammar nazi but I don't care anymore!

Eight ways to win my heart:

1. Food.

2. Honesty (tact is optional)

3. Loyalty.

4. Teach/show me things.

5. Good conversation.

6. Confidence.

7. Be adventurous.

8. Being sharing and caring.

Seven things that cross my mind a lot:

1. Guilt for doing other things when I should be working!
2. Football
3. Kayaking
4. Nic
5. Bender, Mittens & Frou
6. The House
7. Food.

Six things I do before I fall asleep:

1. Watch TV
2. Put Mittens away
3. Put Bender's blankie over him and say goodnight
4. Brush teeth
5. Kick Frou out of the room
6. Fling my clothes everywhere hehe

Five places I want to visit:

1. Uluru, Alice, Darwin
2. Far North Queensland
3. Tassie (to do some hiking)
4. Canada
5. Europe

Four things I'm wearing right now:

1. Acrylic knit cardy
2. ICWA corporate uniform short sleeved shirt
3. Black office pants
4. Fluffy orange socks

Three bands artists that I listen to often:

1. MIA
2. Lupe Fiasco
3. Lady Soverign

Two things I want to do before I die:

1. Get a novel/short stories published
2. Cycle around Australia

One confession:

1. I watch internet p0rn when noone's around


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