Jul 10, 2009 09:27
Sometimes I am struck with nostalgia for a time when I was much fitter, much cuter, much younger than I am now. I wonder then, when I'm older, will I be looking back on this time and thinking the same thing? I despair at the potentially slippery slope that ageing brings. We live in a youth-oriented society. So as you grow older you seek to attain things that you didn't have in your youth - success, knowledge, money, power. But the excess fat stores and dwindling fitness levels as well as softening political views are also a symptom of the easier life, in which I have a desk based 9-5 job. Back when I was young and fit, it was a real buzz to have my own desk. I should have realised it was more like an anchor!
I saw Katie a couple of weeks ago, and she introduced me to other friends, "we were student radicals together." I laughed. Oh how unradical I have become! Katie has a baby now, and I haven't met her yet. I wonder if she'll grow up and be a radical like her mother, pondering how Marxism and Wicca piece together. She's too young for us to speculate. We discussed briefly the rigours of house-hunting, and she briefly suggested I should look around her 'hood. Problem is it's not easy to get into the city every day from where she is. Maybe geographical closeness would make it easier for us to catch up. Or maybe not.