Jun 29, 2005 23:52
Since the day i was born July 4th, 1987 i was born into this world by the grace of God, and he has had a plan for me even before i was conceived. I was raised in church and still am, but my parents have fallen out of church. All through my life i was in church every time the doors were open. I have been through many trials and temptations and when i was 8 years old i accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior, and my life has been a living testimony since then. I have met many people and witnessed to hundreds in the grocery store, but the devil has been working on me. He sends people to bring me down, customers and associates that just erk my nerves. But his grace and love has kept me strong, and when those temptations come i try my best to give them all to God. When those days come that i don't feel wanted anymore thats when God sends in his angels to tell me that they love me working at the store or the associates tell you how much they appreciate you. If you are in God's will you will know. I continually pray for my future and other people's future that God may continue to lead them and they will still listen to him. God brings me opportunities every day that i continually pass up, but others i don't. I ask him to forgive me and he does but i need more courage to take the stand on occassions. I pray for those children who are without families that don't have God in them, they don't know what they are missing. But one day i pray that they will hear the message and come to know you as their savior, and even the older adults. I pray that if there is someone reading this message now that don't know you that you lead them to someone to experience you have given me. If you know him already i pray that you continue listening to him and following his plan for you. I believe that God can use everyone on earth and everyone has a specific plan and from above we look like a perfect jigsaw puzzle and we all fit so pefectly together and smooth edges. But people are missing out of that puzzle and the plan is still imperfect so it makes the world a harder place for Christians to live in. People are so self centered and caught up in the world materials and don't want God to have their heart. God made you so just give it up and let him take it... I don't know why people just want this life to live and not more, "Life is good, but Eternal life is better" as that saying goes. But i want to stop a minute and talk about the teen agers topic. Love and dating, i believe that God has each individual a person of the opposite sex, and if we just follow his will and pray to him about things that he will lead us to that perfect person he has intended us to have. But we come in and don't want to give it all to God we want to make the decision so we then get married and then soon enough or later we are getting a divorce. We don't give God enough time in our lives to even make decisions anymore. Everything is getting so fast and we can't wait a second. You have to admit when you go from DSL/Cable internet service to 28kb dial up you are about to pull your hair out! We have became to caught up into the fastness and everything has to be done right then. God speaks so softly and when we focus on ourselves we don't hear his call and when we do it is distorted and we are confused. This is just from me tonight nothing special, just felt that this is what i was supposed to write. Tim thanks for showing me this website, even though your the only one who reads it, God i pray will put this in your heart for a reason and apply it to your life.
In Christ,
Darren Rayburn
Jesus Saves!