HA HA HA HA HA HA! Although, I think I'd change #4 to something about those vehicles that take up TWO spaces because they think they're more important than anyone else! :)
I've never really had (or seen) nice things happen with anon posters or comments... It's almost like they're too chicken to say up front who they are. I could be wrong, but nobody's proved me to be wrong so far. So- if you're going to tell someone that they need to do something- sign your name to it... be proud of saying what you have to say... don't cop-out and hide behind the "anonymous" title. That's all I have to say. Thanks. Aimee (notice that's my name)
nope. never banned anyone. everyone has a perfect right to comment under their lj names. but if it's who i think it is, she doesn't have one anyway. oh well. some people have no balls. ;)
My guess is he banned whoever is posting anonymously so the only way for them to post is to logout.
Or, they're just a chicken - like you said.
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