The Moderate Voice has a post called
Much Ado About Jeremiah Wright, about Obama's pastor who recently made some inflammatory remarks. The right-wing nutosphere is getting all frothy about it, as per the usual, but it's all playing out on the same double standard they always use. For starters,
not one of them said shit when John McCain got John
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Actually, I think you and perhaps many others are making too much light of this situation, but I do understand why you find it so illuminating. This has been the topic of conversation by all of the Fox News bobbleheads since it began, and what you';re saying isn't that far off from what Chris Wallace was saying just this morning on FNS. So he's had a 20 year relationship with Wright - I've had a 37 year relationship with all sorts of avowed and even closet racists within my own family, and I can read between the lines and think for myself on such matters.
Do mean to tell me that you actually believe the comments we've seen as of this weekend were isolated incidents? No. Don't fool yourself. You don't have that level of hate in your heart for "whiter america" for just one or two ( ... )
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I am actually drawing a parallel between how much I'm influenced by people whose opinions I may agree with on some matters and not at all on others, which is exactly what I said without leaving room for the error you've throwing into the mix. There wasn't even a mere suggestion that I'm comparing myself to a presidential candidate, only to that of another person capable of thinking for themselves without buying 100% of another person's influence.
I know your brilliance is rarely challenged... but I'd challenge this analogy any day of the week.I'd be flattered if you thought I was brilliant as that would be a kind compliment, but the level of snark and sarcasm you're giving is indicative of something else. Not working, by the way - my ( ... )
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Eh, it's the latest catchphrase that the Hillary-is-better crowd uses for anyone who supports Obama.
If Obama secures the nomination, he'll need the support of anyone that will give it to him. I don't believe that the HC camp is an enemy of the Obama camp, but that's a huge leap of faith to make when her supporters go after his employing the same kinds of tactics we've seen historically from Republicans.
All candidates are religious, I only take caution when they're fundies like Huckabee and Tancredo - or whomever it is clamoring for the fundie vote and selling out to get it by pandering to their madness. I'm a minority as an atheist, it's my job to find out how I fit into a majority of people who believe - not the other way around. It's not likely this is ever going to change in my lifetime. Obama doesn't use his religion as a club to beat anyone with, and I'm cool with that.
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I'm a Fox-watching conservative.
That's one is on you, not me. I likened behavior and tone I found synonymous and called that out, but stated nothing as cut and dry or emphatic as the insult you suggest.
And for the record, no. You couldn't even manage to agree to disagree on the majority of points we've discussed, and because I don't agree with you that Hillary's experience makes her a more qualified candidate than Obama, you won't see beyond that. You did the exact same thing with atldaddybear in this thread. I don't agree with you about her, George - I do not - but so what! You don't have to agree with me, that's never been a prerequisite on my part. I respect your right to support your candidate of choice, but not the choice of delivery you've used to make your points in response to others as you have here with me ( ... )
Thank you, sweetie. Should I ever make it back down to Columbus, or you make it to Nashville or (if things work the way we want) Toronto in the future, I believe there will be a bottle of a yummy Duckhorn merlot waiting on you.
MMMM - vin rouge!
My dustup with George on Friday night, and then this "discussion" today, has made me think of the following:
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George is defending his position, bottom line, no matter how much we may disagree with his content or delivery. I think all of this is bigger than us combined, and like I told him in the comment below, we're all on edge here with so much to lose and so much already lost.
And yep. The prospect of Bushy McClone having at least 4 years to make Supreme Court nominations - and you know that the next President is going to have at least one or two to name, if not more, in the next 4 years - that prospect alone prevents me from proclaiming that I'd never vote for the Dem nominee if they weren't "mine".
Not that I have a "mine", much as George wants to think otherwise. Yes, we voted for Obama in the Tennessee primary, which, BTW, Clinton won. Yes, I think Obama will be a better opponent against the Republicans because Clinton will bring out the Great Unwashed Masses who will knee-jerk a vote against her simply because of her husband.
Would those same Great Unwashed Masses also vote for McCain over Obama? You betcha. But Obama won't motivate the amount of nemesis that Clinton would and will. And, I believe, Obama will generate his own enthusiastic following - hell, he already has - to ( ... )
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