Oct 02, 2009 17:00
So, I've finally come back to the good ole LJ and I hope this becomes a more semi permanent thing rather than skipping it for six weeks and then updating. I like the idea of writing out all of the crazy things that happen if for no other reason than to acknowledge their occurance and reflecting.
So...I'm a junior now and that is so freaking weird. In another year and some change I'll be a real person. I'm not really sure how to handle that yet. It'll mean actually going out and auditioning for things. Acting is such a proactive career. Nothing is handed to you in the early stages. You just have to go out and expect tons of rejection until you get cast. I have some friends who have worked nonstop since graduating and others who seemed to have dissapeared off the face of the planet. Some of my most talented friends are doing little to nothing and some people who flew totally under the radar are thriving now. It is such a mixed bag in this field and I'm not sure I'm ready to take it on.
Anyways, this semester has been okay so far. I no longer have classes with a lot of the people I used to have class wiht all the time and it took some adjusting. However, I'm bonding with some people who I never used to talk to and I love it. I think it is going top be a good year, but it will most certainly be a hard one. I have now had two weeks of rehearsal for Major Barbara. It is going well so far. I think the circumstances of the play really make sense for me and I don't have to work to hard to make it truthful. Plus, the cast is a collection of some of my favorite people here. All in all I think it should be a somewhat more than decent show with a couple of truly wonderful performances.
It's just long as hell is all.
I also love my studio teacher Rosie. She is like this highly sarcastic british woman who has worked with the Royal Shakespeare Company. She is wonderful, but I have never been more opinionated on acting than I am in her class. We are studying actions and objectives this year and I just think that the way they go about teaching it is incorrect. They want us to break down the scenes intop beats and write out actions from each beat that stems from the immediate objective of said beat. Then we begin acting. However, last year we studied the Mesiner technique which stressed the importance of understanding the circumstance of the scene and really allowing it to affect you. Then you come into the scene and go to your partner and let them know what you have to tell them and from out of this comes the actions in a spontaneuous and real way. Nothing was overplanned or contrived or intellectual and it was so much better.
Then again we just started so maybe I'll change my mind about it later.
In other news, I'm hungry so I'm going to go eat. I didn't quite realize this post would be about acting theory and yet here I am...
Later days!