Chuck • Bite Hard

Jan 28, 2010 00:18

Audio: 'Bite Hard' // Franz Ferdinand
Video: Chuck
Fandom: Chuck
Character: Chuck Bartowski

Description: A series 2 video was a long time coming, but seeing as Virgin 1 only finished airing the show December, I had to wait an annoyingly long time. It's another beat video. I know, that's all I seem to do, but the music fits. So with that in mind, effects are really low key. The music was used in Chuck, and seeing as I got FF's Tonight for Christmas, I thought I'd put it to use. I adore FF and they just keep getting better.
Date: 26 January 2010
Links: Vidders // Youtube // Download
Most Humorous // 'Driver Picks The Music Vidding Awards'

Best Music Use // 'Driver Picks The Music Vidding Awards'

fandom: chuck, // videos //

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