daytime t.v. gems

Aug 14, 2006 11:07

bahahahaha! i am watching montel because i have a great and fabulous life full of intrigue and excitement. i just had to document this great quote. a bitch is on who was married to a guy who was married to a few other women (i believe she is wife number twelve). she mentioned that she met him online and montel interrupts in his annoyingly condescending way and basically says: "women come on telling me they meet men online and that really means onlie." hahahaha. what a douchebag. i hate montel. right now he is wearing a blazer, a white shirt with an enthusiastic seventies collar, and jeans. onlie. wtf?

in other news, i have at least found a woman whose choice in men is worse than my own...

let me quickly just list things that annoy me about montel williams:
1. his earrings (both ears are pierced)
2. his sensationalism and unnneccesary emphasis on odd syllables while speaking
3. his pinky ring
4. his goatie which is remeniscent of george michael's
5. his penchant for dressing like a 19 year old metrosexual
6. the kleenexs resting needlessly next to his chair as though he is oprah and can make his guests cry
7. his face

do you see what i mean?

douchebags, lists, quotes, television

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