on democrats, days off, and being done

Nov 08, 2006 23:29

here's good news: the democrats now have control of the senate and the house. i hope they do something that actually makes a difference in a positive way. it was a bit inspiring to see the public finally get off their asses and vote out incumbents they felt had misrepresented them. i was a bit disheartened by the fact that no one else i knew save my parents had voted (oh, wait, shaaaaawnaaaa also voted absentee--she couldn't go on election day itself as she had to be at steak-out). that makes me a sad panda. i don't understand that. everything these few douchebags do shape the lives of all of us; why wouldn't you put your two cents in? it's not only a right but our duty as citizens. i don't know. not a lot of people even give a shit and it isn't like i can blame them, but i also tend to err on the side of caution. if i vote, it might not mean anything, but then again it just might. i'm too tired to formulate a decent argument. whatev.

in more good news: i got the thanksgiving holiday off like i wanted and needed. so the whole stella and mom on chemo situation is taken care of. i can't use my vacation, but i will still get in over 35 hours if things work out the way i am planning, which i am sure they will because that's how i do (i can work 14 hour days or so on monday and tuesday provided a korean woman kicks me in the stomach at regular intervals). i think i will use my days to take the week after christmas off, as stella will be out of school and my mom will still be doing her chemo and shit, so that will work out. also i will have an extra day with new year's on that next monday. woo me.

more interesting news: i just took the coward's way out and broke up with william via a letter i attached to an email. it was very lame, but it's the only way i could tell him how i felt without him interrupting me. i'm tired of games and i want it all to be over. i understand i may have forfeited my simpsons season 2-7 dvds. i don't think he's that type of person. he also has my confessions of a dangerous mind dvd. shit. i hope he is not that type of person...

family, life, boys, troubles, relationshits

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