TV sucks

Jul 17, 2007 09:43

How much better would America be without TV?

I quit watching most TV several years ago and don't miss it at all. Very occasionally I get hooked on a show, but I usually burn out on it after 8 or 9 shows. The discovery series of channels is about all I watch anymore. Wasn't it Marx that wrote that religion is the opiate of the masses? I think a modern update is in order, just change religion to TV.

I read this today, and thought it was a very good example of what America could become if it dropped it's TV addiction:

I also think about the most creative people I know who's hobbies are to build things. Models requiring thousands of hours, building their own homes, painting and writing. None of that would get done if they spent those thousands of hours in front of a TV watching crap.

I think the blog itself is very useful for financial advice. I have an old roomate who could easily write for them given the awesome work she did getting herself out of financial hole.

PS - yeah I know my posts are all over the map. So am I....
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