Wow, over a month since my last update. Oops? *sheepish smile* Everything's good. The writing's coming along (almost halfway to the minimum wordcount on the story I'm writing for an anthology call).
I'm definitely going to be taking classes at National University, hopefully starting next month. A slight problem is that I have to choose between studying the history of modern Europe from 1500 to 1789 or from 1789 to the present. Why must I choose at all? I also have to choose between US history from the beginning to the Civil War or from the Civil War to the present. It probably doesn't make sense to non-history geeks, but I don't want to choose at all! *wails* On the plus side, I could still take all four and have two of them count for my electives. That would only leave me two other electives, though. One of which would be good for me to take since it'd help me be able to use technology to make lectures cool and interesting once I start teaching. But I'm not sure if I'll go that route. I wonder if they'd mind if I took extra classes? I want to study ALL THE THINGS! *pout*
I've already decided which of the four will be the non-electives. I'll let you guys try to guess which those are. ;-)
So, yes, much geekery to be had and I posted a couple fanfics on
feline_artistry in case anyone was interested. One is for The Avengers and the other is for Sherlock.