*bounces all over the place*

May 11, 2013 15:33

I'M OFFICIALLY A PUBLISHED AUTHOR! My story has been released as part of an anthology of detective stories. You can find it at Elm Books. The anthology is called Death and the Detective and my story is called Helpless, published under the pen name Devin Wood. I hope people enjoy it.

I heard back from UCR shortly after my last post and my application wasn't accepted. My mom suggested looking at doing my degree online, so I applied to National University and the admissions counselor who followed up on my application is already talking about figuring out my schedule of classes. *bemused* Sounds good. Since my bachelor's is in history and political science, the master's in history will only take about 11 months. So I could be teaching college courses much sooner than if I'd been accepted at UCR. Who knew?

Thanks to everyone who has ever offered me encouragement for my writing and my schooling. Thanks to the people who cheered me on and helped me figure out why a story wasn't working. Just thanks to everyone here, past and present.
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