Back for a bit.

Jun 19, 2011 17:20

So I'm back, for a bit anyway. For those that know, I left for basic training in the army reserves on April 25th. I came home on June 6th for 30 days convalescence leave. I broke my ankle.... Yup I'm clumsy. I don't even know how I did it, but it was bothering me a little. So I had them look at it, and they said it was broken, and had been for probably 4-5 days.
So now I'm at my house, and I got my Fairyland order in! Unfortunately I didn't have a camera for the box opening, but I did take some pictures of the faceups.(Link) Also, I wanted to post the mini profile for Autumn, because she's so cute! Plus, I've already written about her a little in my Nano stuff....

Type: Dark Elf Soo
Arrival Date: June 8, 2011
Face-up: Myself
Wig: Leeke Darcy 6/6.5
Eyes: Default (actually came with another doll on the same order)

autumn, dolls

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