To explain the title... parents are in Germany for my mom's high school reunion (she attended Heidelberg American High School in Heidelberg, Germany). Very exciting, and they are backpacking around Southern Germany and Italy for the two weeks surrounding the three day reunion event. The school has been closed and is being disappeared, so any still living alumni were invited to a big *ss party. Photos can be seen at for anyone who is interested in that... Southern Germany, very pretty.
Anyway... back to the title...
So Friday, approximately three hours after my parents boarded their flight to Europe, I got in my first car accident with my brand new car. Not my fault, but still.
LAST night, I had the fun of a 5 hour long emergency room visit due to extreme can't-sit-up-lie-down-stand-up-or-walk pain in the pelvic region. Have a UTI (yay). I have been given drugs, one of which is a dye that acts as an anaesthetic to the bladder. Also has the delightful side effect of turning my pee BRIGHT, DAYGLO, ORANGE. The pills themselves look like the little tabs you get when you purchase an easter egg dye kit, so I guess it is no surprise that it turns my pee that color. It is slightly disturbing, however, to observe.
On the bright side, I think I made the nurses' day, because I was the first person in four hours to come in for something OTHER than a fireworks burn/puncture/break/stitching/etc. I also got to see truly *charred* human flesh up close for the first time. Yummy.
Happy 4th of July.
Any votes on what else is going to happen to my poor abused body between now and the time my parents get back?