NNNOOOO!!!!!!!! :( are you ok? Could you atleast give them the color of the car? Hopefully your insurance will cover it and hopefully the police will find this she-bitch. And then kharma can bite her. mmm... i'll have fleeing the scene of an accident for $500, Alex
Fogo was great. Not as good as I remember, but I don't think that anything real could in any way compare to the paragon of greatness that I had built Fogo up to be in my mind. Kat thought it was everything I said and more.
The best part of the Chicago trip was the Field Museum. Awesome. Very awesome.
Comments 4
So what happened to the *continuing* adventures of El Chupanibre?
How was Chicago/Fogo?
The best part of the Chicago trip was the Field Museum. Awesome. Very awesome.
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