You know the point when you should have been asleep, but didn't make it yet, so you're like I might as well stay up even longer? That's where I am now.
So it's 3:20, and I'm almost wide awake.
Anyway...this NIU thing, man. I have so many issues [with this].
Of course I am sad, hurt even, for the victims, their families, the students, faculty, all of that, but I am even MORE hurt by the media. It is truly GRIEVING when we live in a society where you, as the viewer, can tell a blatant lie is being told on the news. They don't even have their own stuff together, but are trying to report a "story" to you. I believe this is the case with many details of this shooting, the shooter in particular. I was watching the news at about 4:00 pm on the 14th, and by about 4:05 pm, the news was stating that the police had the gunman in custody. So, how come two to five minutes later it was saying, "Gunman dead; possible suicide?" Number one, how did he die in the police's custody? I would think they'd take away any weapons from him in order to prevent that...and I KNOW they didn't leave him unattended. Number two, how can "POSSIBLE" suicide be claimed? Because I know he COULDN'T have been left alone, how could it be something to be uncertain about? Somebody saw how he died. Of course, by the end of the night, it was definite suicide, and by the next morning he was this brilliant student, who slipped up because he wasn't taking his medicine. Shoot, let me look up medicine really quickly:
med·i·cine /ˈmɛdəsɪn or, especially Brit., ˈmɛdsən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[med-uh-sin or, especially Brit., med-suhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, -cined, -cin·ing.
-noun 1. any substance or substances used in treating disease or illness; medicament; remedy.
2. the art or science of restoring or preserving health or due physical condition, as by means of drugs, surgical operations or appliances, or manipulations: often divided into medicine proper, surgery, and obstetrics.
3. the art or science of treating disease with drugs or curative substances, as distinguished from surgery and obstetrics.
4. the medical profession.
Okay. NOW, I got that. Because I know that now there is medicine prescribed to balance people out emotionally, mentally, or what have you...but I'm thinking if people are at a point where if they DON'T take their medicine they snap and KILL/INJURE other folks, they need more than medicine. They need to be put away somewhere and under close watch. I just can't buy that excuse. Sorry media. I feel like it's a cover-up for WHATEVER reason. Just like this supposed claim of suicide. But what do I know? I was 65 miles away. And don't get me wrong I'm not trying to just straight up call this dude a monster, though what he did is monstrous...I just feel like UGHHHHHHHH...
New point. And this may be on some hippie sounding sh*t. But it's TRUTH. Now, I've watched press conferences with the university's president and he's like they are ready to plan out how they can take extra security measures. And me, I'm thinking there really is nothing in this earthly realm that someone can't figure out how to get through. Let's be real here. So we need to go back to the basics. Watch how the fuck you are treating other people. Be alert to others emotions. SHIT! While you're (re: university presidents) preparing to hire extra guards and maybe more metal detectors, get something going (a class/speaker/someone) who can heighten sensitivity and reteach people how to be aware of what they are putting out there. BE FRIENDLY -- BE NICE!!!!DAMNIT. It sounds so simple, and it is. We are such a mean ass society now. MEAN AS HELL. It's even funny to be mean, like now I'm even tickled at just mean thoughts I've had or seeing other people be mean to someone else. *hehe* Proof that we are desensitized by it, BUT, mannn...some people can't deal. Some people are holding this shit in, and waiting to explode.
Now, were C and I the ONLY people who saw the report on (I believe it was NBC) where a father was on the phone saying how his daughter had warned the NIU police officers that she saw something written in a girls' bathroom LAST WEEK that said:
FEBRUARY 7, 2008 has ended.
It will begin.
? *Notice the letters F,E,A,R, are underlined in February. I know we couldn't have been the only ones, but I mean thank GOD he saw it with me because I might have began to believe I hallucinated or something, because I haven't seen the shit ANYWHERE else. That's ANOTHER THING WRONG.
STOP COVERING ASS SO MUCH. SHIT! BE ACCOUNTABLE. If somebody told NIU Police they saw that on the wall, and nothing was done--no alert was sent out, or whatever the procedure should have been--please, admit it, and do what's necessary (fire those police/come up with some kind of policy/something) and move on. Don't just make that fact evaporate into thin air because of the fact that there will be blame placed on them, and then that finger pointed to whomever else. They made a mistake by not taking it seriously. Why? I don't know...but should that be a secret now? NAH. That's probably partially why this stuff is becoming a cycle. The whole truth isn't coming out, so we are trying to prevent problems based on false knowledge.
Should the fact that this gunman mysteriously died committed suicide in police custody be something to question? Hell yeah. I still can't get that. Sorry again, media.
I mean, UGH. Shit is just frustrating. It really, really is. Because it just is an ugly situation. Can you imagine how many young people are probably afraid to go to college now because of incidents like this? I think back of when I was in high school and anticipating college because I had always heard those would be the best days, so forth, so on. Thank God my experience was SO-SO. But could you imagine? UGHHHHH
Do you realize how angry people are? Even children? I saw a facebook friend of mine who said something like: You know your life couldn't have been that bad, if you were a grad student. Which is a good point, but we all know (or we should) this external shit means NADA if you are not happy inside. It's all extra. Money, Family, Future, Education, Status...extra as hell, and worth losing if you can't find []eace/happiness within] yourself. And like
mellodyus said [something along the lines of:] "I'm running out of places for ribbons."
WORD. This shit is ridiculous.