some lovely things have happened in the past few week

Mar 30, 2008 18:52

1. my lady friends came to stay, descending upon my cottage in a cloud of expatriate hilarity

There was an amazing extravagant roast, chocolate willies from Amsterdam and being kidnapped by a polish bus driver (no, really!)

inebriated loiterings at bustops (for once only two students passed, and then we pretended Pen was a hobo)

jaree also found, to her delight, a pub with a literal lifetime supply of condiments

2. it snowed!

videos at facebook - I think they can remain off youtube for now... : P

3. i saw two plays - one wonderful, the other rubbish - one at the west end, the other in cambridge (need I say more)...

4. stupid daylight savings is mucking up my timezones. my computer clock is still set to EST (hence all these entries are dated as though I were in Australia) and I was finally used to adding two hours to the time on Yorrick and mentally minus-ing twelve... now I have to add three which totes throws the whole calculation out. Such a bore!

despite all these lovely things, I have a crick in my back that won't go away no matter which way I stretch.

Today I did some laundry - went to Cambridge for shopping (some wonderful shopping) and a Wensleydale sandwich, wrote some stuff, marked my year seven English short stories, went to church (sort of) and where we had an awesome choir practice and thought about becoming a public servant... or going back to uni...

I am sleeping in thermals and pantaloons tonight because my jarmies are in the wash... itchy wool - urgh!

i laugh at the english weather!, expats unite, but i haven't got a stitch to wear, the oc is more glam than my life, anglican hurrah!

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