I've been all gung-ho about this pet fund network thing but I found myself losing momentum last night. In my history of photography class we watched the documentary War Photographer. It's about James Nachtwey who is an amazing man by the way. If you haven't seen the documentary or his photos, check them out. It's extremely eye opening.
I've always felt that I had an obligation to do something good. I always wanted to be someone who did something about the world's problems and not just sat around wallowing in it. Obviously I can't spread my time over every single problem so which one issue deserves my attention? Hunger, war, poverty, animal abuse, AIDS, injustice, .....the list goes on forever. Helping pet owners pay medical bills is not that high on the list unfortunately. I think the thing that cuts the deepest for me is hunger. Some people are so weak from hunger that they literally
can't walk. I can't even fathom that sort of poverty and the really awful part is that there is enough food in this world to feed everyone. It's all about politics. So how does someone like me do anything worthwhile about it? Certainly not by starting a network to help people pay their pet's medical expenses. I thought about joining the Peace Corp but I'm concerned about the dedication that would require. I'd rather go to these places to help for shorter amounts of time over my lifetime. I'm thinking about looking into programs where you can volunteer to help pass out food or at least so that I can go and meet these people and see if there is anything I can do to help. I'm faced with a feeling of inadequacy. I'm studying Art History. What relevance does that have in today's world? How would that even prepare me to help others in a useful manner? It's too late to change my mind again. I'm graduating next year. What do I want to do with the rest of my life? Maybe I should join the Peace Corp so that I can think about it.
Anyway my point is that I'm going to scrap the pet fund idea. I care about it but it's not where my heart is. Also I'm scared of getting involved in something that could become bigger than me. I'm scared that I don't have the drive or the dedication to see it through. I'll have to research volunteer opportunities and see what I can find.
In mousey news, I discovered that they are actually come in under the front door. Damn those little creeps! I'm thinking that something has to be done about that but my mother doesn't seem concerned. Perhaps I should put a mousey head on a spike outside the door as a warning to other the other mices. Think that would work?
And now for something completely different.
ladywhores is a community that I started for fashion-minded people to go and share fashion type stuff. We are open to all styles, sizes, genders, lifestyles, income levels, etc. I'm trying to revive it a bit by doing theme months. July's theme is makeup. If you are the least bit interested go check ze place out.