The Senrega ISBI Legacy 2.2

Mar 24, 2009 15:57

Last time, founder Michelle cheated on her (de facto) husband with a criminal mastermind, second torch holder Abby then flirted with said criminal mastermind, thus sparking a family conflict. Oh, and she's also pregnant...

This is where I switched my default skins over to Leh's "maxis-matchy" set. This is also where Abby's hair mysteriously started malfunctioning. It worked just fine in the "Change Appearance" screen, but looked like this in-game. So... her hair got changed. A simple work-around solution. :P

People definitely look different with these skins! At first I wasn't sure if I liked their new look, but then I just got used to it.

In an aside, I can't believe I wasted two pictures and their captions on skins. How boring. =|

That criminal mastermind, Stephen, over whom Abby and her mother are now fighting, came over. He and Abby went on a date.

I'd say it was a successful date...

...except for this interruption I guess.

So that evening, poor innocent little Abby is sleeping in the house's only double bed. But then she thinks she hears a voice -- that of her dead brother, cheering about the bed in which she sleeps.

Exhausted as she is, she clambers out of bed to investigate the sound... only to find that nothing's there.

She takes the opportunity to fix herself a midnight snack, but as she does so the fridge seems to open and shut of its own accord.


After eating and showering, she goes to put the leftovers away, and then Bradley scares her again. He's so kind. -_-

Michelle: Hello widdle baby =)
Abby: No, mum. I hate you.


This guy's name is Tazama Schweber. I assume his turn off is underwear, because he and Abby go from two bolts to one every single time they WooHoo. Just thought you might like to know.

Pregnancy was clearly not very interesting, because now it's baby time!

S3, brown hair, alien eyes. Her name is Caroline.

I think Michelle figures that if Abby can steal her boyfriend, then she can steal Abby's. Hence the water balloon fight.

HARHAR that's why you don't steal your children's love interests through water balloon fights >:(

Who are you and why do you have a strange interest in Caroline?!

Michelle came in from her water balloon fight, found Caroline, and was all, "Oh, you see me being a better mother than my daughter? I am soooo much better than her, you should like me more."

Yeah... totally, Michelle. =|

Caroline's birthday! Yaaay!

Caroline's adorable!

But she likes playing with the toilet.

And then Michelle randomly attacks Abby for no good reason.

Obviously no one carries the toddler away from the fight, because duh, why would you do that?

Five hours and one missed carpool later (!!!) Abby loses.

Michelle: While you tend to your wounds, let me indoctrinate your toddler to think I'm the better parental figure~~

I didn't really intend on having Tazama Schweber breed with Abby, because they have the same skin colour and both have dominant hair genes and all. But then his hair glitched and I realised he had ELF EARS, and then I used the "simdna" cheat to examine Abby's DNA and realised her distinctly non-elfy ears are recessive genes.

That newfound knowledge changed everything.

Caroline: I think you should look after the kids you have first T_T

Too bad, so sad, she's pregnant now and there's nothing you can do about it Caroline, NOTHING!

I took advantage of Abby's accumulated vacation time to "summon" random townies with male names to the lot. This is Grayson... IDK why his face isn't using the templates I have in my Downloads folder, but that doesn't really matter.

They get along verrrrrry well ;D

Then she meets this random juggler in her house.

They get along verrrrry well too.

So well that they kiss out on the street in their underwear. :P Although I'm not sure that's a byproduct of getting along well so much as a byproduct of being a silly Sim in Simland.

Michelle started another fight

And won, of course :P

And then immediately after quitting the game I got this message!! For the first time! I hope it didn't corrupt the neighbourhood by interrupting the saving process...


Nope, the game's not broken.

Someone's even recognising Caroline's existence, which is pretty impressive.

Micheeeeeeelle! Did you learn NOTHING as the controllable Sim?

Anyway, aside from that, it's time for Caroline to grow up in a corner, all alone.

Surprise surprise, she grew up badly.

She's really cute, though.

Damn you, Ti-Ning. DAMN YOU.

Caroline LOVES THROWING TEMPER TANTRUMS OMG. It is her favourite.

She also loves jumping on beds,

computer games,

and obnoxiously waking up others by turning on the TV in their bedrooms.

Ti-Ning apparently forgot how to feed himself. -_-

Michelle has NO tolerance for that kind of thing.

For some reason, Caroline is not an A+ student =[


Well, we can TRY to help you with that...

After bottoming out his hunger bar, Ti-Ning FINALLY remembers what fixes hunger.

Yay, free TV

Michelle doesn't wait for me to plonk it inside or anything, she watches it out on the front porch =|

I remodel the lounge area to accommodate the TV... lookin' pretty good, I must say. At least, for something built by me.

New baby time!

Michelle: STFU, trying to sleep here

Well, this baby waits for no one!

S3, black hair, light blue eyes. Baby's name is Daphne. Recessive genes include blonde hair, green eyes, entire facial structure.

Daphne is quickly shown where babies belong in this household. =|

Hey Bradley. Don't know if you've noticed, but it's daytime.

Bradley: OMG, I sense through this wall that we still have that double bed! YES, DOUBLE BED!!

FINALLY! Someone picked up the baby!

Noooo~! That wasn't a hint that you should put her down again!

YOU get it, at least.

Caroline came home from school and decided she wanted to spend her ENTIRE EVENING jumping on the bed. Arghhhh.

Well, OK... I'll grant you that she did jump off to fume about her life.


Elsewhere, baby Daphne is not at all being neglected. =)

Michelle got old and for some reason I didn't take any pictures of the event other than this one.

To finish off the update, we now get to see Daphne's birthday!

Scary cheekbones, but still pretty cute! Only, no elf ears. =(

That's all for now! But not quite, actually, because I have to include the following:

ISBI Stats:
Torch Holders: 2
Permaplat Sims: 0
Deaths: 1
Accidental Deaths: 1
Social Worker Visits: 0
Fires: 4
Fights: 8
Social Bunny Visits: 0
Pass Outs: 4 (+2 toddler pass-outs)
Pants-Pissings: 2
Shrink Visits: 0

isbi challenge, the senrega legacy

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