just cold with no love in my veins.

May 30, 2006 20:19

today sucked.

8:00 AM dentist appointment.
3:00 PM drug screening.
& then my mom took me shopping for work appropriate clothes.

i start working with her tomorrow as a receptionist. i'm worried. i've never had a job before where the dress code included the words "slacks" and "blouse." i think it's kind of exciting that i can wear heels if i want to. and looking at it on the bright side, i'm only 3 days away from casual friday.

wow. i have a 9 - 5. technically, it's an 8 - 5. but still. where did all this responsibility come from?

i'm nervous. i am going to feel so out of place there. and i kind of feel lame that my job hunting has lead me to a place i never would have put myself on purpose. it kind of just shows how no matter how much you say it will never happen, we all eventually turn into copies of our parents. i guess it's not so bad.

i feel as if i am not making anyone happy. like i'm a huge disapointment to everyone.
i am sure that my assosiation with anyone is a waste.
and people only continue talking to me because they pity me.
i feel pathetic. and alone. and sad. it's stupid. and i would give anything to make it stop.
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