Jan 20, 2006 10:11
i really have had an AMAZING week. the thing i hate about college (well hate is kind of a strong word) is that you dont see your best friends or favorite people on a day to day basis...you have your own classes and such and although you see some people...its hard to see a lot of them in one day. On the other hand, the thing i loovvee about college is when you do see those people and its like a little sweet reunion =). Yesterday i saw sooo many people...people i hadnt seen for months and then people i cant seem to get away from =)...like staff (ps. i love fish camp). It just makes your day like so much better when you see people that automatically make you smile =). Wiggs came and saw me at my blocker table...which i was working with 2 of my new favorite people...and i didnt even know he was back at school yet so that was soo sweet of him to just randomly show up. Last night i got to see so many of my friends i just hadnt been able to hang out with last night at zapatos which turned out to be where EVERYONE was. I hadnt been able to see a lot of rudd people lately and they were all there and i thought this was a cute story: (mainly because it includes me almost crying) but dustin was there with stephanie lyles (who was my cochair as a freshman) and some people from balog...and there were things i had been meaning to tell dustin and im so glad i did, and then it came up that i was a cochair and it was just so "symbolic" (i guess you could say that...it sounds stupid) that stephanie was there and although she never really knew me, it was just so cool to think that i remember her BECAUSE she was a great cochair and without those very first influences i would not be where i am today. I dont know i just get really excited when i see right in front of me why fish camp exists and its purpose and all the wonderful things that come of it. I've been sooo blessed. Anyways, i really dont know why i just wrote a whole paragraph on people i saw but i did.
Im getting so into fish camp...not that i wasnt into it before...because i mean duh ive been obsessed with it since i got to A&M practically. It just seems that all my doubts and worries seem to get smaller and smaller as we all get closer and closer and as we start actually doing stuff to start building the organization for this year. Its so weird to think that right now, we are the organization, and in a couple of weeks we'll have the rest of them...whereas ive always just seen it for the 800+ organization it ends up being...its incredible. last night we had informationals...like it may have just been and informational and maybe 1/10th (but the room was packed) of the people applying were there but it was just so freakin exciting. When i talk about fish camp to people that want to love it just as much as i do...its just so perfect. AHHHH! i dont know what could be better than this. Anyways, now my "dilemma" is how am i going to get ALL the people that have been such amazing influences and supports throughout this, to all be part of this with me...its such a hard decision because i know that only 2 spots for speakers couldnt possibly do justice to the MANY people that have had their own unique influence in my life...i want to have them alllll =)
okay that is all...im so excited that this how this semester started, its only going to get better=)