Blankety blank cheque book & pen

Nov 24, 2005 18:56

I'm thinkin bout my doorbell, when you gonna ring it, when you gonna ring it?

I've had the worst day today. Really miserable.
I had a meeting this morning...neurology psychology...I had to take the minutes. Basically it was a 3 hour argument. It was the first Clinical Reference Group I'd attended, and when we came out Jacqui and Jamie both said "Oh my god, poor you, that was the worst CRG ever". I had to concentrate so hard to try and take anything in and stop my mind from wandering on to Jake and how he is doing. We still haven't spoken but he left me an answer phone message while I was in the meeting from hell. He is fine, thank god. I am confused and befuzzled but apart from that everything else is ok. I don't want to think about all that right now, but I might go into it later on tonight.

I'm writing this from work, I plan to email it to myself and post it when I get home.
I feel fucking miserable and tired today, all I want to do is go home.
Also I am having trouble getting hold of some birth control tablets, which I need by Saturday. I have to try and get an emergency appointment tomorrow, I called them today but they were useless. Thank gods its not emergency contraception I'm after *clucks tongue*.

My friend Jess thinks the new administrator here fancy's me because he emailed me a couple of times today. Mainly she thinks this because she fancies him A LOT (she met him yesterday when she met me from work) and to get a clue about him she asked me to forward her all the emails he sent me. He is handsome, but even if he has taken a shine to me, he'd have to be blind and deaf to think I was on the market - my pc background and screen saver are made up of lots of pictures of Jake which everyone comments on when they walk past my desk. I also spoke about him on a few occasions today to colleagues - Jacqui saw the black and white image of him playing guitar and said "oooh is that your boyfriend, he's nice isn't he?!". Yup. Yup, he is :) The new guy sits very near me so I'm sure he caught all of it. Its nice to have a new email buddy though, it certainly breaks up the day. Mind you, today people haven't had many responses from me, not even Jess. I have my 'fuck off' face on, plus I was afk all morning.

Anyway, after work I'm going to take some films back, get a new one out, buy XIII for the X-Box, go to Sainsbury's, get home, have a bath, cook some food then go to bed. I doubt I'll sleep much but you never know. It took me a long time to doze off last night, but I then had a 'blink sleep'. I thought I'd been asleep for maybe an hour and I was waking up fitfully, but the alarm was actually going off and it was 7am. I hate that, and it doesn't happen to me often. I suppose this was made worse by how dark it was.

I hate winter.
I'm out.
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